Can anyone recommend a good chrome shop in SW Michigan or Northern IN. I need some small parts stripped and replated but can't seem to find anyone still in the business close to me. Would like to try and at least save a little by not having to pay shipping costs, I know the chrome will cost plenty by itself.
PM Hotrodladycruiser, I believe she has had a lot of stuff done by Advanced Plating. She speaks highly of them but you can get it first hand from her. Frank
We are an hour's drive east of Indy. I was born and raised in Muskegon. I visit family every now and then and may be able to save you some shipping by coordinating our times.
If I remember the place I use is called Quality Chrome in Quincy Ill. They do a super job. Maybe I better check my notes?
ChromeplaterJosh can take care of you. He did some chrome for us on this job...