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O/T: Diagnosis Cancer, Any Hamb survivors?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BobbyD, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. Bull
    Joined: Mar 17, 2006
    Posts: 2,288


    When I was 11 years old I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was given less than 5% chance of survival. I endured chemotherapy treatment every other week for 18 months, 30 radiation treatments, 7 surgeries and over 3 months in a hospital bed followed by months in a wheelchair or on crutches. As near to death as I may have been then, I beat the odds and am here today to tell the story. Rarely does a day go by where I am not somehow affected by my battle with cancer. On April 17, 1990 I had my last chemotherapy treatment and was able to go on living. Since then, every April 17th is like another birthday for me. A day of celebration and reflection.

    Keep family and friends close -- they'll be your support system -- and a much needed distraction. Advice (and words to live by) that was given to me during my battle, "Be a fighter, don't let it beat you."
  2. 3rd Gen Hot Rodder
    Joined: Jan 8, 2009
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    3rd Gen Hot Rodder
    from Indiana

    Bobby, will be praying for you. Blessings, Bill
  3. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
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    from SUGAR CITY

    God bless you and your bee in my thoughts and prayers man. Keep you head up!
  4. derelict
    Joined: Nov 28, 2001
    Posts: 490


    My best to you Bobby. I've been lucky. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer about five years ago and went through radiation. I've had no sign of prostate cancer since. Two years ago I was found to have lung cancer. Part of my left lung was removed and, angain luckily, the cancer was removed with it. No chemo or radiation. So far I'm still cancer free.
    Get pissed of and kick it's ass. There to many things left to do in life. Good luck to you.
  5. garagerods
    Joined: Dec 15, 2006
    Posts: 451

    from Omaha

    It hit's so many.

    Keep the faith!!

    Prayers to you and yours!
  6. roadsterpilot
    Joined: Dec 31, 2004
    Posts: 561


    keep workin on those will be in our prayers.
  7. Desert1957
    Joined: Aug 15, 2007
    Posts: 50

    from Pa/Md


    I am a 7 year survivor of stage 4 Head and Neck cancer (2003) , radical neck disection , followed up with 2 months of radiation. I also had a very bad prognoses (1 %) chance of making it. But I'm still here.
    Keep your head up my friend , keep a positive attitude , I will Pray for you......

    You can beat it!

  8. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,258

    from Florida

    Wifie got the "flu" at 23 years old. It ended up being stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma and all the docs said they did what they could do and to start making "arrangments"

    She politly smiled at them and told them they were wrong, that night she went into a coma for about 2 weeks. She didnt give up and is now cancer free for almost 10 years. Hell the docs told her she would never have children....they were wrong about that too, gotta 4 year old and one on the way.

    Throughout the whole ordeal she never had a bad attitude and an awesome mindset. Conversly there was a girl the same age as my wife (at the time) going through the same treatment though her cancer was in stage 2. She had a horrible attitude and a doom and gloom "why'd this happen to me" mind set...she passed on a short while later.

    After seeing the two individuals battle cancer in their own way I'm a firm believer in a positive midset and winning attitude. I mean what other choice do you have? Live or die, pick the one that will give you the most chance...

    Have a good recovery.
  9. larry woods
    Joined: Jan 20, 2010
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    larry woods
    from venice fl

    bobby, you just climb in and ride shotgun for a while. cinch that belt tight it will be a rough ride BUT there are a lot of us survivors who will "spell off" the driving. all the best, we will be with you! larry woods
  10. BobbyD, my prayers are with you.

    Are you in Belmont NC?
  11. Truckedup
    Joined: Jul 25, 2006
    Posts: 4,660


    Bobby,it's a whole new adventure for you,bad as it may be,it's the start of a new life...A few years from now you'll be telling someone else how you're a survivor,good luck
  12. j32
    Joined: May 11, 2009
    Posts: 68


    Bobby,Hang in there and listen to your doc.I was treated for NHL
    in June of 08,today all is can do this,the support of family and friends is a powerful tool......use it-Joe
  13. Hang in there BobbyD you can beat this. I'll be pullin' for you.
  14. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,258

    from Florida

    OH and aother thought.....get a good beat this your gonna have to change your life, at least for now...swear off sugar and anything with sugar in it (cancer feeds off sugar so I'm told) There is alot of fruits, vegies, fish etc that will hep fight your cancer and alot of stuff that will make you feel worse. (unfortunatly I dont remember all the stuff I used to fix and or chase down for my lovely wife)

    But it made a difference with her....It cant hurt thats for sure....

    Stay stong and whoop that cancers ass! Think of it this way, you want to be able to say you beat the biggest murderer that the world has EVER known!

    Strap on your boots and go to war.
  15. 1950ChevySuburban
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
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    from Tucson AZ

    I had a stage 4 PNET brain tumor removed late '08. Doing great, completely resected. Still on chemo, but wrapping it up real soon. Then it's just MRIs every so often.

    It IS all in the attitude! I recommend Lance Armstrong's book "It's not about the Bike" to all.
  16. "After seeing the two individuals battle cancer in their own way I'm a firm believer in a positive midset and winning attitude. I mean what other choice do you have? Live or die, pick the one that will give you the most chance...

    Have a good recovery. "

    That's the best advice I can give you too. I have a friend who battled a situation similar to yours. I won't lie to you; it was a tough battle, but my buddy kept a positive "I'm gonna beat this" attitude and he DID!
    If you ever start to slip and think about giving up, just look at your family and think of how you're gonna tell them you don't want to see them anymore. That'll bring you back to reality.
    Cancer CAN be beat! You can do it!
  17. april may
    Joined: Jul 6, 2004
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    april may


    I was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) recently. Not cancer, I know, but there are some similarities. I was numb from the neck down for about 4 months and finally went to the ER and had a bunch of tests and different MRIs. The day after I was diagnosed I spent 5 days getting treatment in the cancer infusion center. Being there really woke me up. I have a totally different outlook on life now. MS isn't curable, but the common medication is a daily injection, that may or may not actually help the disease, that costs about $20,000-$30,000 a year. I wasn't jumping for joy when I was faced with this option so I starting do some research. I found a drug called LOW DOSE NALTREXONE (LDN). I've been taking it for a few months, so it's still pretty new to me, but I'm doing pretty good. The whole point of all of this is that LDN is used to treat not only auto immune diseases, but aids/hiv and certain cancers . Look it up, it may help you. It has had about a 60% success rate in certain cancers, including Lymphoma. I've done a lot of research, PM if you have any questions and maybe I can help. Remember, mind over matter. And keep your options open. Chemo is not the only treatment.
  18. Abone29
    Joined: Mar 20, 2007
    Posts: 234


    Good luck Bobby,I am a 2 time cancer survivor.Renal cell (kidney) in 98 and lung in 01.It's not a death sentence anymore so hang tough brother.You'll be in my prayers.
  19. Jalopyrama Mike
    Joined: Dec 21, 2006
    Posts: 334

    Jalopyrama Mike

    Hey Bobby, I awoke one morning in July 2007 with a lump on the right side of my neck. I thought I had a swollen gland, but no sore throat or anything related to it. I let it go for about 10 days, remembering that my Dad had passed in 2001 from Lymphoma Cancer. I went to my GP Doc who checked me out and didn't find anything but thought I should get a Cat Scan just for sure. I did and it came back suspicious. I then went to a ENT group in Annapolis, MD. where I was checked down the throat through the nose with a scope and a tumor was found on the base of my tongue. A biopsis was scheduled for both the tumor and the lump on my neck.
    The biopsy came back positive as stage 3. The prognosis was 60% success with the protocol procedure of radiation and chemo treatments. I was advised to see my Dentist to have any pending or current dental work done immediately since it would not be possible to have any dental work done in the near future and also to have any preventative measures taken to keep my teeth due to the radiation. My dentist made me a set of guards for fluride treatments that I'd use during the radiation period and afterward. I also needed to have a feeding tube inserted into my stomach prior to starting the radiation & chemo.
    I did get a second opinion from John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and they advised that unless I needed surgery the Doctor group at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis Maryland had the expertise and state of the art equipment to handle my
    case. I had excellent Doctors whom I put all of my trust in and the radiation and chemo began on the same day in the beginning of September. With 42 radiation treatments and 3 chemo treatments, I handled everything pretty well till close to the end. The last 10 days, when everything was acumulating in my body, caught up to me and I must admit that I did get quit sick. BUT, I made it with a strong will, a lot of prayer and support from friends and family.
    By the way, in the late summer of 2007 I was in the midst of final planning stages of the Jalopyrama and I couldn't let this sickness keep me from postponing the show! The Show did go on as planned in early November and I had my last chemo treatment the week after the show. The show was a success and so was my treatments. I'm now over two years out from my last chemo and radiation and the Docs say that is a major milestone. Some side-affects have remained but they have not kept me from continuing the Jalopyrama Hot Rod Show production and living my life and it won't keep you from continuing to live your life for many more years either. Keep the Positive Attitude, Pray a lot, Keep a journal, and don't hesitate to call me for any reason my cell 443-562-8130. Bob, you're in my prayers,
    Jalopyrama Mike
  20. BadgeZ28
    Joined: Oct 28, 2009
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    from Oregon

    Bobby, I just want to add my support. Never give up. Like others have said, mind over matter.
  21. eddieb
    Joined: Apr 6, 2009
    Posts: 52

    from Sharon SC

    My wife is a 10 yr survivor of stage 3 cervical cancer. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. Nobody. One of my good friends woke with a severe headache one night and was rushed to the hospital. I was standing by his bedside the next day as the doctor told him he had less than 3 months to live. Maybe a month of quality life. Inoperable cancer on his brain stem. I will never forget what he said to me after the Doctor left. He said "I wish I had lived my whole life feeling like I do right now." Taught me a very important lesson. Hank died suddenly.... 12 years later of an unrelated problem. You just don't know. Take care and beat that cancer.
  22. wood470
    Joined: May 21, 2008
    Posts: 226


    Eight years ago I was in your shoes. 2 years ago I also got prostate cancer. I figure there s no sense in givin up, mite as well see whats around the bend so keep on fightin you'll be all rite. Life doesn t ever seem to be easy but you gotta keep goin to see whats around the bend. Least you didn t get run over by a truck, thing s could be worse.
  23. Jkustom
    Joined: Oct 8, 2002
    Posts: 1,686


    60%, man that's more than half! You can knock this right out man. :)

    One of my best friends, a couple years ago (he was about 24 at the time) woke up one day with one of his testicles swollen, went to the vet hospital (iraq war vet btw) and found out he had testicular cancer, and aside from the obvious it also spread to lymphnodes in his abdomen and back.. They removed his testicle, basically took his insides out and removed all the problem areas in his torso. Dude has a scar from his sternum to his pelvis. But he is here now and in good health. Ask him for advice, he'll tell you to stay positive and fight. So that's what you gotta do man! You got this. :)

    my moms side of the family has a looong history of cancer. Im sure I'll tangle with it too someday, when/if, I'll knock it out.
  24. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
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    from Florida

    Just saw this hit the top of the page....

    Just wanted to know how you were doin and let ya know....

    We still behind ya!
  25. BobbyD
    Joined: Jun 6, 2005
    Posts: 581

    from Belmont NC

    I know this is a old thread but didn't want to start a new one, the doc give me the long face last week and said I had 2, maybe 3 months left as it has finely starting eating me up again and I can't stand anymore treatments as my body won't stand them.
    Anyway my reason for this post as I am going to be selling off my tools, euipment and project cars. Check the classified's often as I'll be listing things as I feel up to it. I have a '41 Ford COE, 1964 hardtop 4 speed Falcon and '46 Ford Gasser just to name a few of the cars My email is
  26. 1950ChevySuburban
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
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    from Tucson AZ

    I NEVER believe what a doc says regarding time left. Attitude and perserverance my friend!
    I'm going under the knife again April 10 for a reoccurring "spot".
  27. SaltCoupe
    Joined: Jun 10, 2010
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    from Indiana

    Praying for you BobbyD
  28. choppedmerc
    Joined: Feb 18, 2009
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    from Spokane

    also praying for you BobbyD, That is the most rotten evil thing a doc can do to anyone! They should never speculate on a human beings time frame hear on earth. Love you brother from a total stanger.
  29. El Caballo
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    El Caballo
    from Houston TX

    May God bless and keep you.
  30. pasadenahotrod
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
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    from Texas

    Doctor's predictions have a way of causing a person to have a certain joy in life and a will to prove them wrong. I wish you all the best and hope you, your family and friends will enjoy the rest of your life, short or long, to the fullest. Our prayers are with you and yours each step of the way. The moments of sadness here will give way to the joy on the other side.

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