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History Historic Stock Car Photos

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by indybigjohn, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. FallsCity48
    Joined: Feb 28, 2010
    Posts: 9

    from Nashville

    BigJohn thanks to you & your great ARCA photos, I'm reliving a lot of memories
    from the Past !!
    Chargin' Charlie .......... Great car !! Great driver !!
    John this could be a future build but I believe the '64 Bel Air body style is going to tough to find in plastic. Graphics on the car would be simple! I keep you posted my friend. Thanks for the references.
  2. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    OK, FallsCity48. I used to drink some of that stuff, when the brewery was still operating. Is that Charlie Binkley in your avatar?
  3. FallsCity48
    Joined: Feb 28, 2010
    Posts: 9

    from Nashville

    Nah! that guy in the avatar used to be old Charlie's worst nightmare at Nashville on Saturday night ;)
  4. Falconred
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
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    A couple of Fulmer Lance in the pOOls car:
  5. Falconred
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
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  6. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    Falls City, I can't see him that well. Is it DW?
  7. Tricknology
    Joined: Mar 9, 2006
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    from DETROIT

    <TABLE class=news cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=ss-dialog-header>7th Annual ARCA Toledo and Flat Rock Speedway's Racer’s Reunion at Toledo Speedway Bar & Grill Saturday, March 13....</TD></TR><TR><TD>TOLEDO OH - Please join us for the 7th annual Racer's Reunion at the Toledo Speedway Bar & Grill Saturday March 13. The Racer's Reunion has become an enjoyable day of reminiscing with current and former racers, bench racing and looking through photo collections and watching vintage video. Bring your photo books! This year the event will again be followed by the Michigan Auto Racing Fan Club meeting at 6:30 p.m. The MARFC meeting will feature news updates on Flat Rock and Toledo Speedways, interviews with current drivers, and the club's traditional raffle with numerous prizes.
    The date also marks the Grand Re-Opening of the Toledo Speedway Bar & Grill, featuring renovations, Ohio Lottery Keno, new staff, and live music after the MARFC meeting.
    The Racer's Reunion features thousands of photos on display documenting a wide variety of racing tracks, divisions and touring series. ARCA, Flat Rock Speedway and Toledo Speedway and all the divisions which raced at both tracks will be represented with photo displays from 1953-current, as well as 1940s-1980s midwest open wheel and stock cars, 1960s-1980s Toledo & Flat Rock late models and figure-8s, 1960s-current midgets, USAC Sprints and open wheel and others. In addition, vintage video from yesteryear will be available for viewing.
    Among the more than 350 former racers who have attended the annual Racer's Reunion at the Toledo Speedway Bar & Grill include Ray Alexander, Dempsey Apperson, Steve Asztalos, Bad Jess Austin, Johnny Auxter, Cliff Bailey, Joe Barham, Pee Wee Barron, Bob Baumgartner, Mike Beals, Mike Bolick, Reed Bolick Jr., Art Braithwaite, John Briggs, Bill Brown, Steve Bunge, JR Bunting, Karl Busson, Bob Carnes, Chuck Carroll, Ellery Cherry, Darrell Childress, Paul Clark, Jim & Carol Clarke, Jack Conely, Harold Cook, Steve Cronenwett, Don Daum , Tom Davidson, Herman Domine, Suzie Drager, Dick & Fran Duff, Bob Durell, Ron Ely, Hugh Fair, Joy Fair, Cy Fairchild, Bob Flagg, Terry Fitzwater, Bill Forney, George Fosco, Jack Franzil, Bob Frederick, Don Friend, Sam Gambino, Bob Gillelan, Mel Gillette, Paul Gontarski, Shirley Gravelle, Tony Gullatta, Ed Hage, Chuck Hall, Fran Harden, Don Harrell, Cliff Harris, Pat Haywood, Les Heikkila, Denny Hudock, Dick Huston, Jeep Iacobucci, Gus Iacozoli, Craig Jackson, Len Jaynes, Bill Jones, Dave and Joe Koester, Bob Knight, Charlie Krall, Wayne Landon, Mick Laskey, Gary and Steve Lindahl, Bill Litogot, Johnny Logan, Frank Loving, Art Lutz, Randy Mapus, Mildred Marcum, Dick Martin, Keith & Betty McCall, Denny and Jack McNutt, Jerry Middleton, Dave Miller, Ron Miller, Barney Mohler, Jay Nagy, Wild Bill and John Naida, Gary and Wally Navarre Jr., Keith Nelson, Jerry Nemire, Brian Norton, Eugene Okopski, Charlie Orns, Jerry Perry, Wally Peterson, Bryan Phillips, Rich Pilatowski, Bill Radiger, Bob Rae, Benny Rapp, John Riddle, Boots Ruhland, Bill Schneider, Mark Sharrard, Billy Simmons, Ben Snider, AJ Stallsworth, Al Stamnitz, Dave Steingass, Paul Strasser, Bob Studt, Jerry Terry, Bob and Bobby Thomsen, Ed Todd, Paul Utcai, Chuck Wilson, Jack Wyman, Randy Wynne, Jim Young, Ralph Young, Ken Zeiter and many others. We'd be glad to have you join us as well.
    There is no admission charge and the Toledo Speedway Bar & Grill will be in full operation for your food & drink needs. The Bar & Grill is located on the Toledo Speedway grounds at 5639 Benore Road. Take I-75 to the Alexis Road exit at the Michigan-Ohio state line (419) 729-9182. If you have further questions prior to the date of the Racer's Reunion, call the Toledo Speedway track office at 419-727-1100.
    Also, please note the dates for the 2010 Racer's Reunions at Toledo Speedway (Friday May 7) and Flat Rock Speedway (Saturday May 8).
  8. FallsCity48
    Joined: Feb 28, 2010
    Posts: 9

    from Nashville

    John that him .... younger version ...... circa 1973.
  9. BrerHair
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 5,080


    Have not made it through the entire thread yet, John, so don't know if this has been posted. Sure am enjoying the ride, thanks to all involved!

    What nut thought this up? Train racing consisted of three cars chained together. The front was the locomotive<WBR>. The middle was a dummy car with no engine or driver and the rear car had no engine, only a steered caboose. AND they ran on the figure-8 track!
  10. Tinker51
    Joined: Oct 14, 2008
    Posts: 261

    from Dallas Tx.

    Here is some shots from daytona of 67.
    Mario Andretti won this one.
    my family bought Bob Derrington of houston tx. car and bob drove it for a few races then George "ironhead" England took over when bob got sick in altanta.
    the car 65 chevy with 427 car #51 Martinizing special F&H Racing
    We started in the back after a broken valve spring in the 250.
    Charles Faulkner

    p.s. go to for all results.
  11. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    Not too long back we had a question about where the Fairgrounds Motor Speedway was located on the fairgrounds property. Here's an aerial. The baseball field is now Papa John's Cardinal Stadium...

  12. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    The start of a late model heat race at FMS. Jesse Baird in the Dodge on the outside, John Sommerville in the Chevelle.

  13. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    FMS late model action from 1964...

  14. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    Another shot with Sommerville. That's Tommy Spaugh in the Mustang on the outside...

  15. SWIGJ
    Joined: Mar 18, 2009
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    from JASPER GA

    Anybody going to the Athens Georgia Speedway Reunion this Saturday?
  16. Dave Lyall
    Joined: Jan 3, 2010
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    Dave Lyall

    Do any of you MARC/ARCA old timers or 2nd/3rd generation guys have MARC action pictures from the mid-50’s of the heroes of my youth: Especially Farmer Jack Harrison, Hershel White, Iggy Katona, or other hot dogs of the period? Although I attended many MARC races in the mid-50’s, I have only been able to glean a few pictures, such as Pat Kirkwood, Mike Klapak, and the Chrysler 300 tossing the driver at the Michigan Fairgrounds 1956 Race, won by USAC driver Rutman. That day I was a 17 year old working in the pits for local Ford Dealer, Ray North Ford entry. I have a later picture of Darrel Derringer, but none from his MARC days. Dave Lyall, Livonia, Michigan
  17. EEZI
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
    Posts: 110


    What a happy bunch ! From the clothes, it looks like about 1974. But for the life of me, I can't recognize the guy on the right front.
  18. Skrayp
    Joined: May 31, 2008
    Posts: 197


    John, what can you tell me about people calling Jack "Mr.Ford"? I always heard he hated that name. He never was much for gimmicks. Can you remember how/when it started or how long it lasted? Or was it even that big of a deal?
  19. Winston Cup Museum
    Joined: Mar 3, 2010
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    Winston Cup Museum

    That would be Jimmy Donoho. from photo #2793
  20. Racingphotoguy
    Joined: Jun 23, 2009
    Posts: 88

    from Wisconsin

    I love the gold drapes behind them!
  21. butch27
    Joined: Dec 10, 2004
    Posts: 2,846


    Thanks for the Mich. Fairgrounds pics.
  22. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    Skrayp, to tell you the truth, I only heard people refer to him that way once or twice, never heard anybody call him that to his face. Maybe this was after he let everybody know he didn't care for it. He was very proud of his own individual ability and talent, and had a right to be. I really liked him and admired him, even when he was beating the socks off everybody else. One of my favorite memories of working with Glotzbach was taking Billy Clemons' 1964 Ford to Lawrenceburg, Ind. for an ARCA race and beating Bowsher with it. Funny you should mention him. I plan to make him the subject of my "Driven to the Past" column on this Friday. Plug, plug, plug. LOL.
  23. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    Here's a photo of a car taken at the ASA race at Milwaukee in 1981. Somebody asked me to identify it. I can't. I'm sure this car didn't make the show, but I thought some of our Wisconsin pals might be able to identify it.

  24. Falconred
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
    Posts: 872


    That's the better looking cousin to Miller's "Worlds Ugliest Race Car" as Bobby Allison called it.

  25. BHfanGB
    Joined: Jun 22, 2009
    Posts: 243


    Just found out about this today...... something for the New England vintage race fans to check out......[​IMG]

    In case you weren't aware, the Grand National boys used to run there until NASCAR reorganized the top division into Winston Cup (note Pearson's Talladega in the picture above). I've been to one presentation about the track's road course history (yes, it used to have a road course!) and it was fascinating. The history of the oval course is longer and the presentation should be even better!
  26. allstarracing
    Joined: Apr 1, 2009
    Posts: 384


    The Belair body is available in resin. Go to and key in resin cast and there are a lot of venders and one has the body but I can't recall his name. Allstarracing
  27. allstarracing
    Joined: Apr 1, 2009
    Posts: 384


    The Belair is avalible in resin. go to and key in resin cast. there are a lot of venders on it .Ican't remember the name but it is ther. Allstarracing
  28. allstarracing
    Joined: Apr 1, 2009
    Posts: 384


    Fallcity48. James Climer also ran a Chevelle. Seems He had that number and sponsor on his car when we raced together at Beech Bend Park, Bowling Green Ky. A My dad helped tear down the Fall city building down. He also helped tear down the Ferh's brewery. Allstarracing
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  29. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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  30. FallsCity48
    Joined: Feb 28, 2010
    Posts: 9

    from Nashville

    allstarracing, Thanks for the resin Tip !! We'll give a try.

    IIRC, Jimbo's (Climer) signature number was "55" & his sponsor for many years was rival brewery, Falstaff (although I remember him running #70 some also).

    The local Falls City distributor sponsored many a car over the years (Charlie Binkley, George Bennett, James Ham to name a few ........ Oh, by the way a feller named Waltrip too when he (the distributor) became the car owner).

    Thanks !!

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