Just started building a '32 Roadster and figgered this would B a good place to gather info........ I read the book ''Street Rod '' by Henry Gregor Felsen when I was 20 yrs. old .....I just turned 69 yrs 12/08/09 and bought the frames to start the build i have been thinking about for years...... anyone remember the color of that Rod ,it was supposed to be a soft brownish pink color, I think ....... Thanks, Vince
Welcome from just north of you in Florida. Pink!!!!!!!!!! Well different strokes for different folks I guess. Sounds cool and good luck with the project. Jimbo
Thank's for the welcome.all..........it was 49 yrs. ago when i read it .... I remember brown and pink ...... I can't remember what color it was called.... Thanks, Older Rodder
welcome age 69 I think that makes you one of the oldest guys on here which is not a problem old guys have alot of knowledge!
Thank's all for the welcome ........Racingonerobb I will let U know either way..... Thanks, Again.......... older boatr ... ( vince )