I caught John Jackson's amazing pics of the aftermath of the fire in the Friday Art Show, and after reading about the disaster I felt compelled to try to help somehow. One of those "it can't happen to me" kinda things that I've seen happen 3 times now in the last few months. I can't imagine.... I thought this piece would be a good choice for a HAMB Auction. I did it for a HAMB art "32 Ford" theme a while back. It was listed for $205 in my store. More pics here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/browndogwelding/sets/72157607842919167/ We can do the auction for a week, it'll end next Monday night(March 15th). I'll cover the shipping, every penny the winning bidder gives will go to Jason.
Thanks for getting it going Yeah, I hope it comes together for him. Even if the insurance gets sorted out and kicks in right away(and that's a big if), just the down time for rebuilding has got to be a killer. Hopefully we can get him enough support to bridge the gap!
You are the winner I'll PM you the info. Thanks to everyone for bidding, I'm sure Jason appreciates it!!! -Josh
Got to work this morning, with a surprise waiting for me!!!! Its Awesome!!!!! Thanks! You do Excellent work!