From the Website, WE HAVE SOLD OUT OF 4 DAY PASSES - THE ONLY TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW ARE THE CAR SHOW SATURDAY ONLY TICKETS WHICH INCLUDES SEEING CHUCK BERRY. There will not be any tickets for sale at the event. The only one day passes will available on Sunday. If you have plans on going all 4 days,you might be out of luck. Buy the Car Show tickets NOW and hope for the best. At least you'll get to see Chuck Berry....
Wow....I am surprised that it sold out. I did not think an event at a casino would sell out since there are not reserved seats and not everyone will be in one room at the same time as it is spread out. I guess it must have to do with fire safety or something. I know it is a great event and I can't wait to get there......Glad I bought my tickets 6 months ago.
I'm selling my 2 tickets. Weekend tickets. I was planning on going, but I'm engaged and need to save the vacation time and money. Face value. They say just the 1st on them, but they are the $89 pricetag. I bought the weekend passes. I'm assuming that it's just something weird. Paypal is fine. Bummed I'm gonna miss this. email me for more info.