Hey, A Good friend of mine from here in NZ will be posted in Mojave CA for a month in April doing some work on an aircraft his company owns, he is a Hot Rodder and drag racing fan, anyone know of anything interesting on up that way or any thing worth checking out, Boneyards, Shops, Shows or racing ??? He will be able to travel to a degree by the sounds so even near by will work. thx, Paul
Windfields place is real close to the airport, willow springs raceway is close, we have some local cruse ins going on. have him give a shout out he may be able to hitch a ride with someone going to nsra if he wants.
If he can stick around till May 1st weekend, Dragfest in Bakersfield is a must. (I think its the 1st.) Pomona Swap meet is the 25th of April. If he is smart, he will go in as a seller on Sat, shop Saturday, then spend the night or return for Sunday. I'm sure theres a long beach swap in there too. Mojave Mike's (not the shop name, just what we call him)on Backus RD in Mojave has lots of old parts.
look up kiwi connection in bakersfield, Brandy here can set him up with info, all of the socal stuff is just an hour away also. http://www.socalcarculture.com/
cool stuff, he is pretty keen to head up to Bako and see Squeak, Duane etc anyway so the NSRA might work, looks like Pamona the same weekend which might make a squeeze of it..... keep em coming all good stuff. thx.
See if you can tour Scaled Composites there at the Airport.They are the ones that went to outer space with Spaceship 1 and are working on a passenger version to sell rides. JS
When in April? Give him my number and I'll get him all suited up here in Bakersfield..........but I will be in Texas from the 9th to the 12th for the Roundup. I think thats when? Ha, ummm just give him my number.