I've done some junkin' in my day and have come across some old pedal cars here and there. Anybody have some pics to share of their old pedal cars? Nothing would be more cool than to score one of those for your kid and throw some homemade skirts on it, etc... This ain't too far off topic since it pertains to the "grooming" of the young'uns into the hot rod world...right ?? Merry Christmas, and see you down the road. Adios, Buzz '54
i have 2. i'll take a pic in the morning. when my nephew is one more year older i will hook it up for him.
This is the one I learned to drive on. One side has flames the other side has scallops. In 30 years of flea marketing, I've never seen another one like it. (close but not the same) It's got a cast iron S/wheel with a spark adjuster. It's a tail dragger because my fat ass broke the frame in two. Check out the hood ornament. Yeah I looked through most of the pedal car books with no success.
i have seen one that is a boat body in a hot rod mag. were these made back then or did some one make it?
I've got about 40 of em. I was a hellacious collector a few years back. I'll get some photos this afternoon and post em.
Aha! Heres a couple pics I found of my cars. The first is a 56 Good Humor 3 wheeler and the second is a Kidillac.with working horn , headlights, and taillights. In 59 it cost 49.99 which was a helluva lot of money when the average regular pedalcar was just under 20 bux
I WANT THE ICE CREAM CAR!!! Guess I'll hafta start searching. I'm finally gonna have a place to display these so they'll be getting restored this year, a '56 Buick non-dipside Champion, and a Dolphin pedal boat that's missing a few things. I have a Murray 508 firetruck body that's getting the the guts from a later plastic T-bird, it's gonna be gasser style.
This original '48 Murray staion wagon is the only one I've kept from a 14 car collection, probably be my son's someday...if he wants it.
I had a few Dipsides, Straightsides, a Pontiac, and a some others but when the reproductions came out I just lost interest. My all-time favorite was the Murray '59 Ford Speedway Pace Car. Mine is almost complete. It just needs buffing before the decals are applied. It is a keeper but after this one, I'm done.
I don't have a pic. of the one 'Poon just did for my son. Harpoon, you out there w/ a pic.? And that Good Humor...that's insane-o!
Not old, but I put this one together yesterday for my 4 yr.old grandson for Christmas. This is a photo from the web site. I painted the wheels red and I'm gonna add some decals to it. I have a body from an old pedal car, probably from the late 30's, early '40s. doing my best fab32 impersonation It's one of my projects I'll get to someday.
I have a 50's styled, dump-bed peddle car, that was missing the bed, so I started making it into a roadster....but I lost my ambition. I bought this car for folks, to put in their basement, with the rest of the collectables. I thought these were pretty neat looking, and priced right.
Not my pedal car, but I saw it at Paso and snapped a picture of it http://www.deadendmagazine.com/paso13.html
This is my daughters. She is only 2 and can not drive it very well yet, so its guarding my office floor.
Ít's not exactly a pedalcar, i built this some years agoo. Using a 56 chevy taillight. You can find more info on the build here- Kickbike Did a search on Google and found this. maybe yo can get some inspiration/spareparts. http://www.pedalcar.net
Here's a late '50's Murray "Lancer Wagon". My wife was the original owner. I resurected it last year and gave it the HAMB treatment.