Gives me a chub. I got first dibs on a nice one tore apart. If I get it I'm gonna build it original with a hopped up 4 banger. Have fun.
Actually Krash, I got it in L.A., I know I know, brought one out here from Cali but hell, they are the most solid out there. I had it shipped here, it spent it's entire life in L.A., Built there in July, of 29 at the L.A. plant. Only doing bolt on's but I would love the idea of a B motor, as time progresses I guess. Another thing, the motor numbers still match the frame and the title!
Well I like your thinking. And as you can see from my email address, there my favorite. I've had 3 29s in the last 6 yrs and think they are the sweetest of all the Model A,s. My present one is rodded a slight bit but was built from parts that were laying around. Yours is so sweet and innocent, LOL I guess the word is pure. Drive it and enjoy. Some thing I have found, doing As for 60 years is you can improve them from what Henry did so many years ago, BUT its not always a better idea. You say to your self, Im gona put this improved part on cause its better. Guess what, You know what you got, but you don't know what your gona get. My original windshield sliders were looking shabbby, so I got a new set, nice and shiny. Ha, a year later I put the old shabbby ones back on cause the new ones were worse looking. And so many thing they sell today that look like a good idea is not necessarly a good idea, excluding the brakes, and thats cause we want to run em at highway speeds. If we drove em at the speeds he designed them for the brakes work OK. Love it, she's sweet. Iceman
What a find !!!!!!! Have fun with it being stock. When their found in this good of condition I don't think I could cut it up.
Exactly what I was feeling. I actually bought a 69 bronco rear, 302, 4 spd for this car but sold it all to do what I'm doing to it now. I love the car, it is the best body I have ever seen (living in Michigan my whole life) no rot repair at all, you cali guys are lucky working with steel this nice. More pics coming soon. Thanks again guys and gals.
I'm coming it a bit late on this but great find! I agree with most here that its too original to cut up. A fellow cub member is building a replica of his Dad's 29. He has a Riley four port in it. It looks right and with your car would be THE cool way to go. You got a head turner. Don't turn it into a bellybutton or any other orifice.
I'd tear that thing apart, slap it on a deuce frame with a V8 and chop it. Everyone would hate me until they saw it/ heard it coming down the road in it's new configuration.
Great find! I gotta admit, I'm a hard core V-8 guy but I agree with you leaving the banger in it. (I can't believe I just typed that! lol) That car is a jewel, especially at the price you paid! Hell, here in Hawaii we couldn't get the DOORS at that price!...Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit. Keep us posted. I'm gonna subscribe to this one! Aloha!
And everybody woud say "OH look here comes another cookie cutter chopped coupe with a 350 chevy. How original!!!"
I can't believe you started this thread! I would still be sitting in the driveway just staring at it! That is the most amazing original I have seen. Nice investment! It's yours have fun with what ever you decide to do with it. Good job!
Hummm.... This is a Traditional Forum. What is the opposite of traditional? Here are a few: new; modern; unusual; unaccustomed; nonconforming; nonhabitual; breaking new barriers; unconventional; original; unique. ...just saying.
No, they'd say here comes Brian's bad ass Model A on a '32 frame with the front end pinched in, an 8BA under the hood, a quick change out back. Man that thing looks good with 4 inches chopped out of the rear, 4 and a half out of the front with the posts leaned back. Then you'd say. . . "I wish I could build 'em like Brian does," and walk back to your garage to look at your unfinished project.
That engine looks to be rebuilt. The fact that it has that nice of green paint on it makes it seem like it's fresh. Doubtful that it's never been out of the car. I think you scored! Hopped up banger motors are cool by the way! This one is mine...
Was this car a Michigan find? You said that you drove it home. Very nice A, If it were mine i would upgrade the brake's,couple of suttle change's,AND LEAVE IT ALONE.................PINCHER
I found it in California, south of L.A. and had it transported to me here in Michigan. I had to drive it to my house from the truck because the guy could not park on my road. I may have some pics of it in the barn, I will have to look for them. I think the motor was rebuilt as well as the brakes before the gentlemen passed away. It runs great, the brakes work excellent so they're staying for now. Elrod, THAT is what I want my motor to look like. Very nice. This car is never going to be cut up by me and it isn't leaving my hands anytime soon. You wouldn't believe the number of people that stop by my house when I have it parked outside.
No need to apologize about getting it from California. You have to go out west to get solid tin like that. I was shocked when I thought it may have come form the Detroit area. It doesn't matter where it came from. It's real cool and you are doing it right by keeping it mostly like you found it! The old man would probably aprove. I too would like to see the barn pics...
Got some work done to the coupe this weekend, I got the front reversed eye spring in and the new tires and wheels mounted up. Wow, what a difference new tires and wheels make. I don't know if I am going to take out leaves in the back yet to drop her a tad, ass is kinda high. When I pull the tranny out to put in the 39, I'll do it then if I decide it needs it. Hopefully I can get the tranny swap done by next weekend. What do ya think?
looks good, i would pop a few leaves out of the back, if it were mine. sweet ride. I have a line on a few banger speed parts. I will find out more in a week. What are you thinking, head, header and a 97 ?