Looking for a stainless flat panel thinner the better about 12x12 inch,any suggestions or does anyone on the Hamb do it?? 1/2 inch circles
check with Haneline in Los Angeles. (haneline.com) they do a lot of custom dashes and i'm sure will do panels. if not, it isn't difficult to do with a drill press and roloc discs. it's just time consuming.
I do do stainless and aluminum. Could make a 12x12 piece quite easily or just order an engine turning kit from Eastwood's and all you need is a board with a grid and a drill press.
I use a neoprene rod chucked in a cnc mill. I smear lapping compound on the piece and program the moves i want. You can do the same in a drill press or conventional mill. Wooden dowel rod works well also. Have fun!