Thinking of changing out my black steel wheels that I run 3" Coker WW's to running some CRAGAR S/S wheels with the same tires. I don't have a pic on this computer to upload...but if anyone has some pics of CRAGAR s/s wheels with WW's it would be appreciated. THanks!
Wait ... Tires with three inch wide white walls mounted on Cragar S/S wheels? Um ... that would look ... wrong ... on pretty much every car I can imagine. Or so it seems to me.
It was just a thought....going on a 31 Model A Sedan.....Car is a dark maroon and presently has painted black steel wheels and Coker WW's and looking for a little more shine for the wheels....just not sure where to go!!!! HELP!!!!
i should have got permission from the gods prior to doing it - but i didn't I did what I wanted and i like it - here ya go
American 5 spokes with whites I think would work. It did on the Lil Coffin show car. Cragers........nawww
Skinny whites and cragars look ok on lowriders but I donno about a model A. That is a cool wagon, but of course a totally different animal. Might look like you just have $ but don't know what to spend it on.Not meaning to sound like a jerk or that I now anything, but you've seen the guys like that, maybe just turning his street rod into a traditional hot rod because its cool right now? I'll shut up.Good luck.
In rare cases WWWs look good on early American 5-spokes, as with the L'il Coffin or Garlits' early Swamp Rat diggers. Pinner whites and Cragars maybe--like F70 pinstripes--but that's a 1965-68 period look so keep that in mind. White letters became popular in '68-'69-up so the pinner whites on Cragars look is a fairly short moment in time.
Not exactly what you were asking about, but here are the new Cragar Eliminator 500's w/ narrow whites on my '63 Mercury-----
Please don't run Cragars and WW's. Two completely different beasts that have no business being in the same cage. Looking at Jonahboo's pic of his wagon is proof. Sorry man but it looks completely wrong. First off WW Radials, bad news. Then on cragars, really bad news. Just do yourself a favor and leave the 3 WW's on your steelies. You can thank me later.
I ran www on cragars for a while i thought they looked great i had to get some new tires and didn't have the coin for new www so i got pinners. They both looked good. Go for what you want but if your looking to save a buck pinners look good enough.
I would have thought no too, but I just can't get over "atomic punk" by our own Plowboy Now that is a cool ride
I say HELL NO. Bil is right appears to be a east coast thing. I'm from the west coast and we'd have been tarred and feathered and not invited to any keggers if we ran whitewalls on Cragars. Here are Bil and I talking over the whitewall issue at my house. We've also talked about continental kits on 57 Pontiacs. The other photo is how I always ran cragars...8's and 10's.....G's and L's.
If you wanna do it, do it. That's really all that should be said on the subject. For those of you that say it's wrong, I saw a post once that said something like, killing puppies is wrong, building a car how you want is not.