Headed to Austin tomorrow for the roundup. Well if anyone is in some citys we stop in before we got to austin glady have a beer or get some good food. Hopefully this year i can put some more faces to names. headed to Columbus then Cincy onto Nashville where we will be staying for some fun. down to Memphis then a good buffet at the casey jones musem onto Little Rock then to Tex-arkana for a night then down to Austin!!! flop 412 867 1659
If by chance you are in Dallas thursday AM,we will have a caravan going down I-35,ending at Reggies BBQ...starting at I-35 south at Wintergreen,Cracker Barrell.8;30 9;00ish
Have a safe trip I will be skipping this year. I have 3 unfinished projects and life is in full swing! Be safe have fun!
i think we will hit austin wednesday but will head to reggies i do believe. i finished all the customer stuff my projects can stand to sit another 2 weeks haha thanks guys see ya there jeffery if we didnt have a place to stay in columbus and nashville i would say we would swing your way