I got this email: <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=603 bgColor=#000000 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff align=center><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 width=590 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD> Kansas Bill Would Increase Fees for Antiques, Street Rods and Special Interest Vehicles Kansas legislation (H.B. 2650) was recently substantially amended in the Senate to raise the registration fee on antiques, street rods and special interest vehicles. The bill has already passed the House. The Senate substituted the House bill with all new language to increase the states revenue. One section of the substituted bill increases the registration fee for all passenger vehicles, and another two separate sections were inserted to specifically target antiques and street rods/special interest vehicles. Under the substituted bill, each of the registration fees would increase by $10 on January 1, 2013 and by another $10 on January 1, 2014. We Urge You to Contact Members of the Senate Transportation Committee (List Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 2650 Under current law, an antique vehicle registration is a $40 one-time fee. A street rod or special interest vehicle is subject to an annual registration for a fee of $26. H.B. 2650 increases the one-time antique vehicle registration fee to $50 on January 1, 2013 and to $60 on January 1, 2014. H.B. 2650 increases the annual street rod or special interest vehicle registration to $36 on January 1, 2013 and to $46 on January 1, 2014. H.B. 2650 ignores the fact that antique vehicles, street rods and special interest vehicles are driven less frequently than regular passenger vehicles (about one-third the miles each year as a new vehicle) and should therefore not be targeted as revenue boosters. H.B. 2650 ignores the fact that many antique vehicles are owned and maintained by low and fixed income Americans who are less able to afford a higher registration fee. DONT DELAY! Please contact members of the Kansas Senate Transportation Committee immediately by e-mail to request their opposition to H.B. 2650. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org. Thank you for your assistance. Kansas Senate Transportation Committee Senator Dwayne Umbarger Chairperson Phone: 785/296-7389 Email: Dwayne.Umbarger@senate.ks.gov Email: senatorumbarger@yahoo.com Senator Bob Marshall Vice Chairperson Phone: 785/296-7370 Email: Bob.Marshall@senate.ks.gov Email: bobmarshall@cebridge.net Senator Pat Apple Phone: 785/296-7368 Email: Pat.Apple@senate.ks.gov Email: pat.apple@patapple.org Senator Les Donovan Phone: 785/296-7385 Email: Les.Donovan@senate.ks.gov Email: ldondist27@aol.com Senator Terrie Huntington Phone: 785/296-7369 Email: Terrie.Huntington@senate.ks.gov Email: terriehuntington@gmail.com Senator Mike Petersen Phone: 785/296-7355 Email: Mike.Petersen@senate.ks.gov Email: mikepetersen@swbell.net Senator Vicki Schmidt Phone: 785/296-7374 Email: Vicki.Schmidt@senate.ks.gov Email: vicki.schmidt@me.com Senator Kelly Kultala Phone: 785/296-7357 Email: Kelly.Kultala@senate.ks.gov Email: kelkult@sunflower.com Senator Anthony Hensley Phone: 785/296-3245 Email: Anthony.Hensley@senate.ks.gov Email: hensley@kssdems.com </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> Please take the time to email or call some of the "representatives" to voice your disapproval of this tax increase! Here is my response: Dear Sir, I am emailing you to voice my opposition to H.B. 2650, which will RAISE my tax on future antique vehicles I own. I suppose these days it is unlikely that someone that is elected to represent me in government would actually listen and understand how I would be against raising my tax by 50% in the span of 2 years? How can you justify that amount of tax increase? Did my usage of the road that I drive on increase that much? Or is it the fact that times are tough these days and I choose not to drive it and you lose gasoline tax revenue? I am an automotive preservationist and concerned voter. Respectfully yours, Jay D. Sweet
Someone has to pay for road upkeep, no? You would prefer potholes over an extra $10-$20 one time charge? Road maintenence workers deserve raises also. I really don't see much out of line here. (I'm not asked to pay it either but I wouldn't complain if I was).
So you feel I should pay an additonal 50% increase? For road upkeep? If it's no big deal to you then go ahead and send me the twenty bucks for each vehicle I register. Of course I would not prefer potholes. What kind of obtuse mindset is that? Oh, but why not just take more money from the tax base? Road maintenance workers deserve a raise? In this economy?
How many guys have to stare at the pothole before it fills back up? In Kansas we have 3 seasons. Winter, Spring, and road construction.
And my first reply: Mr. Sweet: Thank you for your email. I did not vote to have this bill advance out of committee, due to several concerns I have with the bill. The bill has a LONG way to go, and I would guess that several changes will be made along the way. Thanks for taking time to contact me. Sincerely, Vicki Vicki Schmidt Kansas Senator Assistant Majority Leader vicki.schmidt@senate.ks.gov
Great news! <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff align=center><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 width=590 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD> URGENT LEGISLATIVE ALERT (UPDATE)Kansas Bill to Increase Fees for Antiques, Street Rods and Special Interest Vehicles DefeatedThe SAN convinced Kansas legislators to delete provisions from a revenue bill that increased the fees on antiques, street rods and special interest vehicles. The language sought to raise the registration fees on these vehicles, including a $10 increase on January 1, 2013 and another $10 increase on January 1, 2014. After alerting SAN members in the state of the impending fee increases, hobbyists responded in full force with emails and phone calls to their state representatives. The response facilitated the removal of the fee increases for both antiques and special interest vehicles/street rods (which are treated as one category under Kansas law). On behalf of the SEMA Action Network, congratulations and thanks to all who participated in opposing these fee increases. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>