1st Annual Perry Auto Fest and Swap Meet April 2nd and 3rd,2010,Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry, Georgia. This will be a Swap Meet with Car Corral and will have an area for show cars and clubs to park and enjoy the weekend. This show will be right off I-75 between exit 134 and 135 in Perry,Georgia. For more info visit our website http://www.perryswapmeet.com For questions about the show please email info@perryswapmeet.com
We may come up from South Ga. Anyone from Jacksonville going? It would be neat to caravan up their in our hot rods.
there will be lots of parts. This is a first for the area, and a goog spot. we need a good show for this time of the yr. Hope to see you there Spot c-21.
Hey guys, 200 pre registered swap meet spots, cars for sale in the car corral, calls everyday, vendors heading north from Daytona show checking in on spaces and planning to stop off. Hey, South Georgia ya'll gather up and drive the hot rods. We would love to have you. Park your group together on the show grounds.The show has really taken off and we are planning to have a great time. Hope to see you all there.
come by c-21. sbc,ford,pontiac intakes, misc parts, tach,gauges, sbc block late model, std 350 cranks,sfi harmonic bal,an fittings, tools, motor cycle jack, model a frame from riley auto parts. twin eng u-control model airplane. Much more.
Weather forcasted at 80 degrees and clear sunny skies. Well over 200 vendors now. Many more on the way. If you like swap meets you need to be at the show this Friday and Saturday,April 2nd and 3rd, 8-6 both days.
I will be ther set up and selling some old speed parts and some pocket size 50's and 60's magazines and alot of 1/64 diecast cars and model car kits. At b 84 i think Tim
fri was a good day. saw two 28/9 model a roadster cowls,and several other neat things.bought some parts.over 400 vendors fri, weather great. looked like everyone was buying something. hope this is a repeat event. awesome spot.
over 500 vendors, wow, awesome foot traffic. this will be a huge event in 3 yrs. today was really great. most every one was buying, or it seemed that way to me.