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Hot Rods Illinois Title Issues

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by eisenhower34, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. eisenhower34
    Joined: Aug 30, 2006
    Posts: 82


    I just got my VIN number from the Secretary State of Illinois today after a 18 month battle and two thousand dollars later. If anyone is having issues gettting a title in Illinois or has questions on what is actually need to expedite the process I would be happy to tell you what is required or is needed. I think I could write a book on how to navigate the State of Illinois red tape on titling a Pre-1948 vehicle.
  2. Seems to me you need a car with a serial number in the first place, and just go bonded title -
  3. eisenhower34
    Joined: Aug 30, 2006
    Posts: 82


    It was a brand new body so no VIN number was issued. It was also a Custom build which caused issues in the State of Illinois since it did not fall within the Kit kar catagory and was a home built hot rod. The information supplied by the state leaves a lot to be desired. Plus I got nailed for taxes based on an Appraised value of the car which means i got taxed for my own personal labor that is in the car even though I had reciepts for all the parts in the car. The State of Illinois does not charge tax on any labor. This was the main issue I had been fighting with the State about...
  4. Rudebaker
    Joined: Sep 14, 2007
    Posts: 1,598

    from Illinois

    Our state motto should be "The Land of Larceny" instead of Lincoln........ :rolleyes:
  5. ride00007
    Joined: Aug 19, 2007
    Posts: 46

    from Illinois

    I think it would be great if you could explain it. We're getting ready to attempt this process... 2 different cars with aftermarket frames and bodies. So yeah, no serial numbers. It's sure looking like we're going to get screwed on labor. No way we should get taxed on our own labor.
    So please, if you have anything that would help, I would appreciate it. I called to get one of the "packets" from the state. It's confusing as hell. No instructions on anything.
  6. knotheads
    Joined: Jan 4, 2007
    Posts: 499


    it sounds like illinois is just like all the other states,it all about the money.
  7. Stick Shift
    Joined: Oct 2, 2005
    Posts: 2,558

    Stick Shift
    from LENA IL

    Kool now just go out and drive it. Run a tank or two of gas through it in one day. You got to be itching to drive that thing after this long. Go out an piss off our neighbors. LOL
  8. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
    Posts: 12,355

    from Quincy, IL

    You obviously have no idea what you are talking about in this case. I have been posting about this situation in Illinois for some time...........and it's not just 'new builds'......and taxes, though that is a major includes ANY vehicle pre-49 that must be INSPECTED for a VIN/serial # before it can be titled in policy...began in the latter half of 2009

  9. moparforlife
    Joined: Feb 21, 2009
    Posts: 351

    from Rolla, MO

    I've always wondered about that (I live in Illinois most of the year). That's why I've passed on all of the '20's and '30's bodies I've ever seen. I figured it would be way too difficult to get a title when I'm starting with just a bare body. A couple years ago I tried to get a title on an abandoned car but the red tape was way too thick so I gave up.
  10. rockyfarmer
    Joined: Dec 14, 2009
    Posts: 130


    Illinois sucks on all this all right. I sent in a perfectly good La. title for a 1940 DeSoto back last october. Other than phone lip service, I cant get them to do anything. Now I have a perfectly good titled DeSoto with no title. They hold all the cards and they aint doing anything about it
  11. Deadbird
    Joined: Jul 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,189


    I think I may have dodged a bullet. Bought my 29 Tudor eight years ago with a clean Illinois title. First thing I did was get it transferred to my name. Haven't done much with the car yet, but at least I have title in hand. Maybe I should get the plates too.
  12. eisenhower34
    Joined: Aug 30, 2006
    Posts: 82


    They have been going back on any Pre-49 cars and are pulling titles and plates. It has happened to a few friends of mine recently. Now they must prove what they have and go through the same process that I just had to go through to get a new title (VIN).

    I will sit down this afternoon and write out what need to take place in order to get through the red tape.
  13. eisenhower34
    Joined: Aug 30, 2006
    Posts: 82


    I talked with the State trooper who inspected my car yesterday and gave him some "suggestions" on how to improve the process. PM me and I will give you my number it will be easier to explain over the phone. Plus I would get writer cramp typing (which I will do shortly)
  14. trukin55
    Joined: Jan 27, 2008
    Posts: 139


    Is it true that an vehicle with an Illinois title goes thru smoother? Anybody know?
    i have an Illinois title for my 1934 Chevy Sedan. Want to register this week.
  15. Stick Shift
    Joined: Oct 2, 2005
    Posts: 2,558

    Stick Shift
    from LENA IL

    From my understanding if your title matches the numbers on the car it should go easier. Like IKE states above he has been through it so he would know more about it. I'm just about to go through the process real soon.
  16. Illinois has only one political party operating under two names. It is the larceny party. Old Jim Thompson had the last administration to feel they needed to to be accountable to the population. That was about twenty years ago.
    I will end up going the long route to keep the dogs at bay. It will be stupid expensive, waaayyyy too much paperwork, (makes state jobs ya know) and still have risk of later questions when we get deeper in financial trouble. Maybe I should claim my roadster as cronically unemployed afterward and get it a LINK card. The county hands those out to felons, sex offenders, and women who just want to exersise their "right" to uteran occupation.
  17. scott 351 wins
    Joined: Dec 22, 2009
    Posts: 434

    scott 351 wins

    I have a 46 ford truck cab that ive been working on with no title. the guy i bought it from said i would get it titled easier if i found an 50's truck and used vin and title from that truck for my bobber truck. he also told me using an Illinois title would keep me from having it inspected. so is it better to keep my bobber truck all ratty looking when having it appraised to keep the tax down then painting it afterwards?
  18. eisenhower34
    Joined: Aug 30, 2006
    Posts: 82


    I think doing that would put you in bigger trouble if you ever tried selling it down the road. I tried buying a title and push that through the system but that fell flat since the State does not care if you have a title with a car. Since most Pre-49 cars only had the motor/trans stamped with the VIN # the body does not have any correlation to the VIN. This is were the State gets to say that you cannot prove that Body goes with the VIN number. The only way this would be true is if you had bought let's say a original Model A complete. You would have the trans/motor with numbers that match the VIN with the body. The State Inspector would verify that and your taxes due to the State of Illinois would be $25.00. At that point title the car and get plates. Then tear the car apart and swap in your hot rod chassis/motor, ect....
  19. towb3
    Joined: Apr 24, 2010
    Posts: 4


    Just to lay some info down eisenhower. My '38 chevy being a complete mut of parts is going to basically be a pain to license. I have a Indiana title for a '38 chevy and of course no vin plates. What would be your suggested route to go with getting this thing titled and on the road once it is built. Titling it as a builder/kit car seems like it isn't a possibility. Any hints? I have seen a car at shows that is able to be driven from the front or the "back". It had two front ends, two engines, two different vin tags, and a title with two vins that had to be produced by the DMV. So why do we have such problems getting ours titled? Seems Illinois tends to be one of the more difficult states but the least amount of information about what people did to get through the redtape. Would love to see that write up you were talking about earlier. Thanks
  20. fenian65
    Joined: Feb 5, 2009
    Posts: 136


    i had a good indiana title for my 52 coronet.but when i tranfered it over the dumbass at the dmv didnt file my bill of sale and a few weeks later i got a letter from the state that i owed 2800.00 in taxes which i must pay in 30 days or risk losing my home and/or property i had to send my bill of sale to the state so they wouldnt take my turns out that even though my car is a rusty pos.the value is based on barrett jackson or the other big dollar auction make a copy of your reciept and keep it for later just in case............
    Joined: Oct 8, 2006
    Posts: 300


    Ike, Glad to hear you battle with Illinois has come to an end. Now get out there and drive the hell out of that car. You owe me a ride.

    My battle ia just starting. I submitted a clear Alabama '32 Ford title to Illinois last fall and about 6 week later they wanted me to haul my car to one of four inspection sites to verify that the VIN matches the title VIN. I called they and told them that I had replacement frame rails nor did I have the original trans case, they then denied the transfer. When I aske them return the original title they said NO, they were going to keep it. I now have to start the same process that Ike has now completed even though I have an original steel body, after the car is running and can pass the inspection. I also have an issue with paying taxes on an appraisal that is based on my personal labor.

    Chapter 2, i have had a '34 Ford pick-up cab in my shop that came with a titile I transfered to my name over three years ago and the state of Illinois has ordered me to send teh title back to them ro face a class four felony.
  22. Dad
    Joined: Dec 9, 2005
    Posts: 70

    from Lena Ill

    I bought a 37 Willys some time ago and decided to get the title in my name last summer. So last summer I take the title down which was titled about 6 yr before, all matching body and frame numbers on a Ill clean title. The car had no rear fenders, no front suspension, no interior, no glass,no drive train. About the first of sept I receive the title with no problems. So now I put a Heits front, 9 in, small block and auto trans in.
    Then we find out the state is broke and can`t pay there bills, so they start on this money kick. On Dec 24 last year I get a registerd letter from the state saying I owe 1300 and some for the taxes not paid when I bought the car. I sent them a copy of the bill of sale of $2500 and a picure of the car. I haven`t heard a thing since. :)
  23. 50dodge4x4
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
    Posts: 3,534


    Ike, I'm happy you finally got through all the BS from this state. I'm sure your efforts and the instructions yet to come will be very popular. Seems to me all your experience should be worth something to those of us yet to go through this process. It would be worth a few bucks to me if your assistance saved me a bunch of crap.

    For me, my new 48 Plymouth coupe is going on a Dakota frame that belongs to me. Might be worthwhile to go through the process of doing a cab/body swap on the Dakota then deal with trying to title the 48 Plymouth. Really might be my only option, actually. Might suck for the next guy, then again, maybe not. Now the next question is can I legally put a coupe body on a truck frame, know its been done before, but then a lot of stuff was done in the past. Gene
  24. davidh73750
    Joined: Apr 21, 2009
    Posts: 1,601


    Sounds like maybe title it in another state, transfer it there or just say hell with Illinois(annoys) and keep it tagged from another state so they dont get any of the bloody money.
  25. Lobutcha
    Joined: Nov 18, 2009
    Posts: 7

    from Illinois

    I bought my car last November, 30 Ford. I sent my title to the DMV and haven't heard anything for 4+ months, so I called them to find out what might be the problem. They take my number and say one of their supervisors will call me at their liesure. I say, what? So I wait a week, still no call back. I call them, they say they will call me when they have time.... I said well how long does it take? The lady says, well how long have you been waiting? I say, how's 4 months? She says she will take my number again.... still waiting.... This is Crap!.
  26. Red Ryder
    Joined: Jan 23, 2008
    Posts: 174

    Red Ryder

    I was planning on building a Model A with new chassis and new body. I called the Sec of State's office to get the "packet", but was on hold for 45 minutes and then was suddenly cut off! Similar time/exact result on repeated calls. After reading here about the new developments, I think my plans are about to change! Illinois really does suck.
  27. Zurekbrau
    Joined: May 25, 2008
    Posts: 202


    I did not know that there was a VIN number on the trans. I did find a number that almost matches the number on my title. Am I screwed? The rails have been replaced in the late 50s and the engine was replace with a 1948 flat head. So I don't have a way to verify what is the correct VIN. Sally was titled three years ago. I bought it from my father so there is no sales tax. But the part about proving the VIN number very scary to me.

  28. Lild
    Joined: Feb 22, 2010
    Posts: 260


    Man. Just when I think Im getting somewhere I get kicked in the sack. My 48 is destined to be a trailer queen by the sounds of it.
  29. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
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    R Frederick
    from illinois

    They make it sound simple on their website. You're scarin the hell out of me. I have an out-of state title for my home-built, I was going to try that first. Up in arms.
  30. I know what I've read on the board and I know what the guy I sold a Willys cowl told me about IL titles. He buys a Willys cowl from me but doesn't want the rest of the car because "the metal is junk and won't hold paint" so he's going to build his own body.

    Anyways every time he called he'd talk and talk and talk and what it boiled down to was if you didn't want the bullshit of the assigned VIN and didn't have a legit title from IL or one of the other states that uses an actual title (not a registration) you went bonded title. Although he seemed to think a NY reg would also work.

    Since then I've read similar here. As in most other states quality of service varies from one DMV office to another and even from clerk to clerk.

    Now that the OP left "new build" out of his original post isn't my problem. Nor is it if they've changed the law. You couldn't pay me to live in IL, and frankly when it starts costing as much as buying a house to register/title an old car, it's probably time to vote with your feet and relocate to a state with fewer assholes in charge.

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