I'm going to Chicago for Mothers Day weekend (May 7-9). I am staying at the River North Best Western downtown. For those of you who live there, do you have any recomendations on things to do? Any car shops to check out? Also, are there any bars or restuarants you recomend?? I have been there about six times before and have many ideas on things to do. I'm just looking for some new ideas. Thanks to all for your help!!
There are all kind of great restaurants in the river north area. It's a food meca of sorts. No visit to Chicago would be complete without getting genuine Chicago style pizza. Try Lou Malnotti's (sp?) There is one in river North I'm pretty sure. Chicago pizza pie is thick, only a couple of pices will fill up any ordinary person. Another very cool thing to do is an architectural boat tour that travels up and down the river explaining the skyscrapers etc.
A group of us may be planning a trip to Chicago later this summer. We always go to the same places (nothing too exciting, just normal downtown stuff...), but it might be interesting to see what pops up on this thread!
Thanks for the info. everyone! I have been to Giarodanno's and Gino's for Chicago style pizza. Giarodonno's was better I think. I have not heard of Lou Malnati's.... I'll have to check it out. I've been to Weber's also. The burgers were great. I have heard many good things on the architectural boat tour. Any old car related things to check out or vintage style bars/restuarants with cool history/decor/neon/etc? Thanks!!
Don't bother with Webber Grill. If you want cattle flesh then ask your concierge for the best nearby steakhouse/chophouse. For that matter look things up online, read reviews. The area is full of world class dining including outstanding Italian, Greek, Asian fusions. Best ethnic cuisine is probably in the various ethnic neighborhoods. The wife and I spend a weekend or two in the city every summer, and we're from the 'burbs. I might say (OK everybody hate me) forget the car stuff and enjoy the city. Hve you been to any of the museums? Science and Industry does cover some transportation...the Field Museum is always interesting...and the Art museum has an outstanding collection including a huge wing of items from ancient civilizations. Though touristy, Navy Pier and Millenium Park are fun on nice spring days. Do your research and you'll find a few days won't be enough time.
Just got back, all I can say is that I thought Michigan roads were bad. Heck, I think the Illinois state flower should be orange construction barrels! Literally everywhere you go. I had planned to stop by to see the HRCC guys (always something cool going on there from what I have seen), but a flat tire on the trailer changed plans. Fun Place! Science Museum is fun. But if you could get to Pileup, I have always heard it is a great time.
Staying in River North eh...I think that Hotel is just East of LaSalle.... -Portillos or Al's Beef for lunch... char polish with the works, italian beef dipped with sweet peppers... Chicago traditions. Of course a Chicago hot dog with the work is also trad. -Fogo de Chao.... Brazilian BBQ, walking distance to your hotel. -Wildfire... Also walking distance. -Cafe Iberico, tapas, small plates, on LaSalle. Old and cool stuff: -Green Mill in uptown has been around since before Capone. -Volo Auto Museum, far North but lots of cool stuff to check out. -Vintage McDonalds, up in Desplaines. -Cascade Drive-In, West Chicago (far West). -Ed Debevics, americana and insults.
Thanks guys for all the help! Man, I love Chicago. I can't wait to go. pro stock john, I have been to Portillo's. Great food! Thanks for all the recomendations. I will check into them more on Google. You're Merc. is lookin real good by the way! I've been following it on your restoration thread. kookee, I hope to make it to the Pileup some day! dragdoc, I always go to The Basil Leaf on Clark in what I think is Lincoln Park.
Yeah we like the Basil Leaf Cafe in Lincoln Park. Also: -Bistro Campagne, Lincoln Square, French food. -Sola, North Center, Fusion food. Asian style shortribs are awesome.
I lived in the Hancock for four years and got to know the neighborhood. Remember that if you plan to eat lunch or dinner on Mother's Day at any place other than fast food, you need to make reservations now if you don't like waiting. Mr. J's at 822 North State Street makes a killer grilled chicken breast sandwich (ask for grilled onions) and excellent char grilled burgers and dogs. It's the opposite of hot rods but check out Bentley Gold Coast at 834 North Rush Street for British and Italian exotica. If you do a tall building observatory I highly recommend going up just before sunset. Lines will be long that weekend if the weather is decent. I recommend the Hancock for its views of the Loop and the Lake. I don't know the schedule but National League teams used to stay at the Westin if you're into baseball. Obviously, check the Cubs schedule if you're into it. The most likely bars to find a pro athlete are probably at Gibson's or Hugo's on Rush. Great food and huge prices at both places (same owner next door to each other). Gene and Georgetti has been around since 1941 and is probably the most "authentic" Chicago steakhouse experience. Or you could just walk the streets in Little Italy or Greektown and follow your nose. There are both boat and walking tours for architecture. there are also some ghost/haunted tours too that can be cool. If you're into Frank Lloyd Wright, there's Oak Park and a the Robey House on the University of Chicago Campus. You can cruise by and say hello to the Secret Service agents in the same neighborhood. For museums, don't forget the Aquarium.
Couple more things. chicagoreader.com for complete event and entertainment listings. Along those lines, the Readhead Piano Bar at 16 W. Ontario St is a cool little place in the neighborhood for sitting, drinking and talking. If you want to get to the lake from the neighborhood, there's a tunnel under the Drive at the end of East Chicago Avenue. It saves walking all the way up to Oak Street. And if you don't have a rental car lined up or other transportation, take the El from either O'Hare of Midway, usually faster and always cheaper than driving. If you have a rental car, cruise a bit for parking prices as they very widely. I'd recommend renting a car only for when you need it, if at all. The majors have locations in the Loop.
So O/T it's not even funny but x2 on Gold Coast Bently it is an awesome dealer. For Hancock go to the bar instead of the observatory (sp). You can sit at a table that faces west and have a drink it is awesome after dark to see how the streets spread out from the city. I work downtown (my building faces the Daley Plaza) and I never get tired of The City it is an amazing place.
Big thumbs-up for Portillo's, and if you want something completely different, ...... try the Billy Goat!