Been asking everyone, had 2 leads...both were BS. Anyone know anyone? Only higher end shops have them, and seemed snooty months ago...but works is scarce for shops, I'd think. ==$$. I want to get flat, sheet material cut, with simple, parallel grooves cut into it down the length, about every 1". *(Example of one type of project, rest are similar). Material softer than wood. Width varying depending on the specific project (but all this easy), but any one know a cabinet shop, etc. that needs side work? Could be consistent. THANKS.
The biggest problem of why many shops wont do this kind of work is it is usueally a PITA and not worth the effort. The advantage of cnc is they can cut cabinets all day long with stuff they are familiar with and have programed in, then for a one off piece, they have to shut down, program, cut it out, for "something simple". If all you need is straight lines cut, why not just clamp a straight edge to the material and cut it yourself with a handheld?
There is a shop in Zimmerman Mn that cut soft metal with CNC routers. They don't even work with wood anymore.
TO: "BillyBobsSpeedShop<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5129238", true); </SCRIPT> " Thanks for the info. Might not be too practical to ship to there...but at this point, I will keep it in mind!<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5129238", true); </SCRIPT>
And Jaloy Jim - thanks. (But those who responded with, "you don't ned that", it's not worth it", Do it this way"
Most of the shops I visit that have vacuum table/ CNC routers are using them to cut aluminum. Mostly I see them in "Sign" shops. I only know of one guy on your side of the Mississippi. Call Euro-Brake (online), he may can help. Dave knows the ins and outs of X.Y tables, servos, many controllers, and what not. Hell I may even be able to help. Just PM me and I will see what I can do. Problem is I am in North Carolina. - -
I work in a shop in Henderson that has a 5th -axis Thermwood router. Here's the splash page with an email address so you can email my boss for a quote.
StationWagons most electrical sign shops have cnc router tables and do one off type work. Vegas should have many, I have one but I am in Pa.
Cool. ==Must've seen my ad in Google? The HAMB always turns up in the first page if you searc something unique that is in here. ==================
Goo lead. I do appreciate the effort. I have no idea., so I thought only cabinet shops had 'em! I'll try some of them...With tthe economy, even the ones who did not take in outside work before...might now.
I know there's a couple of big sign companies in Vegas, I have access to one here in KS at a buddy's sign shop but as you said before, the shipping might make it not worth it.
There's a shop near 215/95 in Henderson. I dont know the name, but they have a sign you can see from the 95. They are on the east side of 215 accross from the Auto Mall...cant miss them as they advertise CNC services for metal on there sign.
Check with Kevin at Ramsey & SonRamsey & Sons=9279885232873572899 4315 W Oquendo Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118-3086 - (702) 736-8120