The wife found this on craigslist today. We went to look at it tonight and it came home with us. Its in pretty darn good shape, mebye it will run tomorrow. This is bitchen ive wanted a model a as long as I can remember.
by the looks of the last picture, it looks like you are happier than her, are you planing to take it over at some point???? hahahahah
ahhhh... you suck... just kidding, your a better man that me because I can't send any dow on any of my girls, but you bought a Model A for your wife. Stop making the rest of us look bad. But seriously. right on man... right on!
She wants a hotrod, its a good starter. I have a vision it includes a banger. For now I'll leave it alone, I have to get my 54 on the road for summer. It will be fun to putz around in.
Congrats my fellow model A owner!!! It was the best damn day of my life, well, maybe until i rig up the hand clutch and drive it!!! I am ;eaving the banger too!! When it pops, I've got another one going together with a winfield had and dual carb manifold!! It is just different to stay banger powered these days! Good Luck and beautiful car!!! How much did ya pay for it? James
Thanks.. paid 5700 we almost got it runnin in the guys shop I think points, plugs an some cleaning, hopefully tomorrow.
Too Cool!! Happy Mother's Day to your wife! I bet you are right - clean the points and I'll bet she fires right up. My neighbor bought one in similar condition and that is what we did, and then he took off flying down the road and realized he hadn't check to see if he had brakes?? Be sure to get a video!
Keep er' original like it is now,just dont rod it,please... Of all the cars to rod,you choose the original one.... Sad..
I guess you should have beat us to the add on craigs list. Its not sad its freakin awsome, she has been looking for a year. If she wants it stock it will have a hot banger an if she wants a hotrod I will have a blast chopping the top. And it runs great we drove the heck out of it today.
That is one sweet looking A. A '28 coupe was my first running/driving hot rod. If it were mine I'd do a Bishop/Tardel av8 build and never stop driving it. BTW, the wife having a car of her own is really cool. Ever since my wife got her '37 2dr. her attitude has been great as she is now "one of the guys" Frank
What an awesome car to start with. Running a banger is the coolest! Your wife looks stoked! I think you are on the wrong site dude.
Cool A! They are a blast to drive as is or go nuts with some of the hi-po parts. Before ya make the big jump with the sawzall, try changing the wheels, maybe pull the fenders etc. That way u get some results and she still has a car to drive. Specially if you already have a project waiting on ya already. Very cool find! I am envious. Yer wife is a luck lady.
5,700.00 you didn't buy it you stoled it great lookin tudor remember anyone can restore it. but it takes a real man to cut one up. only my opinion