Hi All, So my dilemma is: i own a 1952 chevy sedan, and i cant get any registration history or anything on it. For those of you who are from overseas, or unawares, it is exceedingly difficult to get roadworthy at the best of times on a modified vehicle, let alone one that has no history and numerous modifications (such as roof chop, suicide doors, v8 etc etc.) Now i'm all for a challenge, but the most likely outcome of this situation is that ill spend thousands and thousands and years and years making this chev what i want it to be, then Vicroads will just turn around and shaft me. I like to finish what i start but the reality seems to be that im going to have to sell her and start a new project. Live and learn i spose. so yeah, at the moment im trying to weigh up my options and make a decision. I spose this was more of a rant than anything haha, but any feedback is appreciated.
How about finding another, donor car...and swap the numbers? Might be cheaper than starting a new project.
you should be able to find someone that is parting out a 52 and buy the tag and buy his tittle for a few bucks. I wouldn't start all over on a new project. Post on a few sites and I am sure someone will have what you are looking for.
You'll definately have to post some pics and let us know what the exact issue is that you are having. An idea might be to get it registered interstate first and it'll have some history to take back to Vic Roads. I have just bought a 52 from the US and its about to be put on the boat, i don't envisage having too many problems getting it registered here in QLD. Cheers, Adam
Alright guys, sorry for the slow reply, long story short is ive been really busy and havent had much time for anything the past couple of weeks. thanks for all your input, i did read even though i didnt post, as i didnt have any more progress to report, but as it is now I've decided to keep the car. I've spoken to a few people and although it might be a bit of a challenge im just gonna go for it. I'll start a new thread in a minute with my plans, and ill upload my photos and my progress as ive got a litttle bit done this long weekend. cool? cool
You will need an engineering (VASS)certificate from an approved engineer to register a car with extensive modification like that one in Victoria. You will probably need to strip the car down so they can inspect it, or if it's not modified yet go see the engineer first so you can build it it regulation. If it has the engineers certificate they can't refuse registration and the rwc can't be denied on engineering issues. Vicroads has a list of approved engineers (I think it may be on their website, but not sure) Also, if you can't find a chassis number etc you can get what's called a VP Number. Vicroads will issue you a number that you have to get stamped into your chassis. You will need to check this out as it was a while ago I did this. I was transferring the reg from NSW, so you may need to find out what ownership papers you need for this. Or you could look at the information on www.vicroads.vic.gov.au I just had a quick look and the info you want is there.
thanks very much for your help, i was hoping to try and avoid the engineer route as its rather costly, but i suppose i'll have no option. i'll call Vicroads tomorrow and suss out a VP number for the chassis, i find them to be pretty unhelpful in general when it comes to these sorts of things though. but i shall call none-theless and let you know how i go.
You won't find any numbers on a '52 chassis. They were not numbered until '55. When I registered my '52 the Vicroads guy insisted that there had to be a number somewhere. He eventually found a number stamped in a body part and decided it had to be my VIN. So now it is. My recommendation would be this...sometimes the shortest way is the long way...get it roadworthy and registered as a stocker, then make your changes. It will save you time and money in the long run (assuming you are starting with a half reasonable car) Pete
Yeah i do planned to register it as a stocker first, sorry should have mentioned that. At the moment im just trying to do the bare minimum to get it registered, then ill go nuts with the modifications. I do have a "body number"(?) i think, on the id tag inside the passenger door, perhaps ill be able to get that stamped on the chassis to become my VIN, would make sense. thanks for that bit of info, had no idea they didnt have chassis numbers until '55.
Man you make Pennsylvania here in the states look reasonable. Sounds like you have a plan though. In either case, here or there, its always about money.. Who is it owed to and who gets it and how much. Will look forward to the build pics
hi guys, heres a link to the build thread i have started: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=462306 "nofin" ill be contacting vicroads today hopefully, and thanks again to all for helping to convince me to keep it
Just stamp your own chassis number on the chassis or body somewhere, if vicroads have no records on the car they cant check it. I'm not sure about the no chassis number until 55 cos my 53 is supposed to have one. My 53 chevy has no numbers as they where cut out when the roof was chopped so i am just going to stamp my own. Mine is and american car and they are stampped in the left hand A pillar