Have the '32 frame a little angle in the side rails or is mine bended? I'ts exhactly 90° everywhere? If not what's the angle of A B and C? thanks in advance Luca
i believe the angle your looking at is normal. the body tapers down from top of quarter to bottom of door. the frame just continues that same taper. i could be wrong, won't be the first time today.
I believe that the outside edge of the reveal along the bottom edge of the rail is 90 degrees to the top outside edge of the rail. What makes it look like another angle is that the side of the rail comes down with more of an angle on it to compensate and make the outside edge of the reveal 90 to the top Geez I hope it made sense..
Along the reveal the top and bottom of the rail is 90 degrees. However in the relief area the rails taper in as they go toward the bottom flange then roll back out to 90 degrees at the bottom flange. Frank