Im new to the HAMB but not to the hobby. Ive come full circle with hot rods and street rods and this site has helped me get back to my roots. Thanks guys and gals. I hope you enjoy pictures of my latest project, 57 Chevy 150 Utility Sedan. Some of you may have seen it at the Jalopy Showdown.
Welcome from Southern Maryland. I did see your '57 @ the Showdown. Glad to see you on board. Enjoy your HAMBtime.....Don from Lothian.
Right on! Another mid 50's GM 2 door sedan! Yep, saw ya there AND here! Welcome aboard and enjoy the adventure here. More good gigs coming. Western Maryland Round-up and Jalopy Drags. Hope to see you at both...........
Welcome from Parkville. We have a social group here......join up
welcome from the left side....central Oregon.....and that is a nice five seven! I'm sure you're having fun with it!!
What's goin on dude, I can't believe you weren't already signed up on here. Let's get some pics of all your stuff up in your albums, I'm sure people will go nuts over it. Paul
I LOVE that load Seen it at Marley a few times. Those header cutouts are the shit. Bitchin car. A real rod. Welcome Oldmics/Glen Burnie