Hi, over here in what is usually cold & damp England, everytime the sun comes out i get fuel starvation / vapourising on my 58 Lincoln running it's stock 430. Those familiar with the car / engine will know the pump sits tween the heads, up front, right by the top of the radiator & as soon as I am in traffic on a hot day the fuel just stops. I want to fit an electronic fuel pump & just wondered if anyone can advise on which?? I have had tips of Mallory, I will probably fit at the rear but looking for a simple wiring application as electrics not my good point!! Thanks Gents.
Since you only need to move a little fuel to overcome vapor lock, a smaller, inexpensive suplemental pump might work fine. Since you're in the UK, how about an SU from a Jag or a BL product. Nice and vintage and makes neat clickety noises as well. Probably find tons of them at the breakers.
That's a thought Jack, thanks. I've emailed a Jag pal of mine to see what he thinks of them. Worth checking out all options. Thanks.
Ok, I have the minimum delvivery flow from the mechanical pump but does anyone know the maximum flow from these 430 pumps or what the maximum flow is that is required for the standard 430 please? Need the figure to help in search for the right electricl pump. Thanks.
The fuel pump drive rod is notorious for wearing and not operating the fuel pump properly. I would try a new rod on your mechanical pump. You should be able to get one for a reasonable price from Chris Dunn at Lincoln Land in Clearwater Florida at 727-446-2193. Chris is a good guy and will probably know about an electric pump that will meet your needs should you choose to go that route. I carry a spare fuel pump drive rod for my 430. Good Luck
Hey 58 Lincoln ( good choice of car!! ) thanks for your input but mine is new pump & only ever happens when hot weather & traffic so don't think it's the stroke so just feel that electrical & rerouting of the supply will be best? Mind you a tank fill up here is now $190 !!!!