The bitch runs! Nabbed a 6V battery at Autozone, bypassed the electric fuel pump, and threw a vacuum pump on the fuel line to drag fuel up from the tank. Sucker fired right up and settled into a nice idle quickly. Need to swap out a few blown bulbs and then it'll be pretty much 100% driver. Got the siren working, too. Neighbors don't know what to think.
i do gotta say that was a hell of a find and very lucky with it all. hope you have fun and good luck with it
I think they loaded Jack Kennedy into one of these in Dallas. That is a rare and worthy old beast. Ambulances more so than hearses get beat up and you must have found the most nearly complete and original Navy ambulance left in the country. What sort of drugs did you find?
Ha! Drug case was empty, thankfully. Believe it or not, the ambulance was about to be cut lengthwise down the middle and turned into a showroom display. That's the main reason I picked it up. It's my 9th vehicle at the moment and my vintage Jeep projects take priority since that's my job. I think in the fall I'll look for another early '50s Caddy with a back seat for my sons. This one is cool, but it doesn't make sense for the family. I'm sure it's bad form to cross-post, but I'm just not able to keep it right now. Have it up for sale here:
Just love it mate . I have 1951 superior hearse also owne by the u s navy when it was new she has only 30.000 miles on the clock. The glass fuel bowl you will get from mcveys. Let me no if i can help with any think else.
NOT everything needs to be chopped...and that old Caddy doesn't...IMHO, if it's your 9th vehicle, sell it to someone that'll keep it as's cooler that way... R-