Yeah usually by now you've seen the dates. I know its labor day weekend i was just wondering if its two days this year or are they still doing 1 day like last year
It's a damn good time, that's for sure. A lot of good people go out of there way to make sure of it. The live music sellection is always great too!
Ive been the last four years for sure one of the best shows in the south ...hey dallas you and the f-bombs goin make this one again?
Hi I was a memeber of the Road Kings who put the show on. We have since disbanded and there are no longer any road kings club. so as far as I know there will be no dixie fried this year unless someone else picks it up and does something similar to it. check with drive in but we no longer have any involvement.!, guess deuceV8 may have just answered that for me. So sorry to hear about the Road Kings disolving. Seemed liked a great group of guys. The F-Bombs and I were most likely not going to attend this years Dixie Fried. We were going to save up the coin and time off work and try to make it out to the Lonestar Round up in '11. I will stay tuned to this topic, I have some friends that attend this show every year from around the central Fla. area. I'm sure they'll be disappointed to hear this...
Shit. Sorry to hear about the Road Kings, we always had a large time hanging out with everyone. I'm bummed about Dixie Fried, it was always a blast and the Road Kings did an excellent job of pulling it together. The Sock Fuckers have always treated that as our official reunion weekend, now that we're scattered across states and countries. I guess we'll have to figure something else out.
I am a member of the club. The club has not disbanded. The date of the Drive Invasion has changed and there has been discussion of how this will impact Dixie Fried. We are still working on a few things and we will make those things public when it is appropriate. The Drive In made the decision to change the date of the Drive Invasion. we have heard rumors of dates that it might be held but will let the Drive in set and annouce the new date. I'll post any updates that I have as I get them. Troy
I e-mailed the road kings a couple of weeks ago and have gotten no response , was wondering the same .
Dude, this is kind of harsh coming from someone who is not a local and is most likely not involved in any way. Butt out, and let the boys over in ATL sort this out. Kinky6
Troy ..keep us posted dude this is one of the best show's in the south my 2 cents far as the Road Kings go i agree let the guy's work it out......
Like I said I'm a member and the club has not disbanded. We had a meeting a couple weeks ago. that being said the club has gone through necessary changes. I won't go into any details because it's no ones buisness but the club's. I know duecev8, he knows me. I don't think there's any bullshit going on here, and I won't speak for him as to what he meant. The Drive Invasion will not be held over Labor Weekend, the new date has not been set. The Road Kings are still an active club that has gone through some necessary changes. I can't say much more than that T
Well damn ... I was thinking the trip down to GA again over labor day to hit up the show again - guess not , lol !! Hope you guys pull it all together & get the show up & going again .
Thanks....for keeping it alive. PLEASE PLEASE post any info when i was planning a long road trip in a new project...
You guys have been doing this for a lot of years now. The effort over the years has been very much appreciated.
Holy Crap you guys have club meetings? What are those like? Thanks for all the work you've done in the past. Hopefully we'll have another one this year. Keep us posted bro.
Hey hey whoa, we have meetings... well, some of us go to meetings... or should. Glad to hear the rumours were exaggerated. Keep us posted about the show dates, some of us are planning to come from foreign lands, which involves some planning, booking time off work (and pleading with the girlfriend).
I guess it depends on who you talk to. I talked to Josh and Ryan today and from what I was told there still is no club it is being discussed about regrouping but as of yet I was told this has not happened. But either way dixie fried aint happening this year at least as far as the road kings are involved. Guess the other members left me out of the loop but thats cool I dont think it was intentional as I was not made aware of any meetings in quite some time. One of the other members brought me up to speed today this is not a fighting amongst members thing no ill feelings toward anyone just some confusion I guess or lack of communication. anymore questions talk to 8769 as he is obviously in the loop as Im not.
Cant wait for a date, This is our FAVORITE show! All the effort through the years is very much appreciated! PLEASE DONT LET "DIXIE FRIED" DIE!!!
I emailed the Starlight asking for the Drive Invasion/Dixie Fried dates and got the response "10/10/10". Who the hell knows at this point?!?!?!