ok guys i was wondering if you can help me out here.what is the length width and height of a dual carb dual exhaust buick straight 8 setup.also what is the weight i am making a sale on one.and the car is about 1 hr away and i just wanna see if someone can give me the3 info i need so i can saqve myself a drive,.i'd really appreciate the help
Got one sitting in the garage right now. Not taking it off to weigh it...but can give you some dimensions. Tom
Here ya go: Intake: 24" long x 7" wide x 4" high Exhaust: 15" long x 7" wide x 7" high (times two since they are split) Air Cleaner: 20" long x 12" wide x 8" high Total dimensions with everything assembled on the car. Taken from exhaust outlet to top of the air cleaner: 30" wide x 12" wide x 18" high Hope that is what you were looking for. It is all cast iron, so weighs quite a bit. This is my shop now waiting for me to fix some linkage problems.
could u get mne measurements for the whole assemlbed unit just to where the carb mount on the intake.from exhaust outlet to carb mounting plate.also if anyone has one they can weigh i will appreciate it
that awsome thanks a whole bunch.if anyone can chime in with a weight i'll be super happy.i dont even know whata good guess would be lol
The length and weight will depend on which engine the manifold fits. Special/super are smaller than Roadmaster by several inches.