"Elizabeth Ann Gill - age 2 was abducted in 1965, people of interest at the time were driving a 1965 Ford Thunderbird and 1965 Chevy Pickup. If H.A.M.B Members could check and see if any of their vehicles match the vehicles vin/serial numbers or have come across these license plates lying around, please contact us immediately at airman1815@yahoo.com or Detective Jim Smith with the Cape Girardeau, Missouri Police Department at 573-335-6621. Thanks everybody for your time and help. 1965 Ford Thunderbird with a serial/vin number of: 5Y872106417 Then 2nd couple was driving a 1965 Chevrolet pick up truck with a serial/vin number of: C1445 F 108801 There were also several license plates involved with these same vehicles. 1965 - ALABAMA PLATE 38-19438 1965 - ALABAMA PLATE 47 - H- 1139 1965 - VIRGINIA PLATE 25-1436, (a digit may proceed the 25) 1965 - FLORIDA PLATE - Numbers unknown
I don't understand. This doesn't sound legit. Why would looking at the vins or locating these vehicles help?
abducted in 1965, people of interest at the time were driving a 1965 Ford Thunderbird and 1965 Chevy Pickup. Leads, I reckon. here's a free bump
maybe trace ownership back to see where they been and with who another free bump, i would also think those numbers could be run and find out if its still registered
Why wouldn't the cops run the vins?? That would lead them to what state they were registered......if cars are still around.
Judging the info given (and being somewhat skeptical), this sounds like someone looking for their own stolen car without saying so. Which I'm not saying is a dumb move because I think people would be more inclined to look at their vin and report it to "whomever" if a young child was involved than if it was someone's stolen car.
Im kinda confused, what good would it do to have the vehicle 45 yrs later? Are you going to dust it for finger prints?
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=109659489068908&topic=22 Airman, just wondering how you got VIN information? It looks like all of the plates used were considered stolen. The Chevy truck may be available as it looks like the family tracked down the dealer it was sold at. No mention by the family of the VIN though just the stolen plate numbers. Please provide more info. An FYI though, I checked the Thunderbird Registry, the VIN looks mainly legit for a '65 2 door tbird one discrepancy that I found though was the 5th digit should be a letter for the engine, maybe the 2 should be a Z? http://www.tbirdregistry.com/see/vinb.htm
How do you manage to get a make, model and VIN and not get the people involved??? I mean...couldn't you just run the VIN off the records for 1965 to see who owned the vehicle at the time?
Something smells? Something screwy going on? Come on guys...a family truly needs some help finding their daughter, and you guys talk like this. You may not realize it, but each and every post on this board does its part to "set the tone" of any given thread...positive or negative. In this case, the tone needs to be positive in order to influence everyone here to help if they can. If the tone is negative, that one HAMBer who may unknowingly be in posession of evidence may not even take a look, "'cause everybody thinks it's screwy anyway". I've seen this site do some amazing things in the past...but it was only because everybody was on board. Remember the daughter who was looking for her dad's old custom, and it turned out to be the car in Hollywood Knights? As far as questioning the OP about their methods of investigation...maybe it's not our place to ask. I'm sure that in the interest of the girl's family, they are trying any and all methods...including making a plea to the HAMB. Somebody asked why they don't just trace the owners of the vehicles at the time?...He didn't say that the "persons of interest" were the owners...judging by the stolen plates, I'd say chances are good that the cars were also stolen. Anyway guys...lets make our best effort here for Beth Gill and her family. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39657 http://officialcoldcaseinvestigations.com/showthread.php?t=299
The original posters requests are legitimate. The girl has been missing for 45 years and until now there was never a source as powerful as the internet. Google her name. Its a known abduction case. I am sure the OP has already ran the VIN with DMV databases. They are probably assuming the cars are either projects, parts cars or have been crushed. Either way any lead could help their case.
The OP is a relative of the family and the numbers posted are what the family has. I know the cars are off topic but still close enough. So here is a bump for the HAMB community to see if we can find any historical info on these cars. "Thanks for your concern. Those cars were in fact driven by "persons of interest" in the disappearance of my sister Elizabeth Gill. It was posted by a relative. I don't see any way of tracing the owners of 45 years ago...even if the cars could be located. The original autos were sold new, but the owners "faded" into the woodwork after Beth (Elizabeth) disappeared. 45 years ago the FBI would not look into missing children unless you had proof of kidnapping. Local police sent bulletins all over, but could never find the owners. At that time communications were very limited from state to state. The cops always felt these "travellers" were the ones that abducted Beth, but did not have resources to find them. Thanks again for your private message to me. Martha Gill Hamilton"
I'm still trying to understand how the relatives of the missing girl have the VIN's for the vehicles involved but do not know anything more about the owners/people driving them at the time. Having the plate #'s I can understand, but how do you get a VIN off of a car you cannot find? Not trying to be a PITA, just trying to wrap my head around what is happening. Bump for the night crew.
yeah, i think the o.p. coulda been more specific but maybe the cars were dumped and l.e. let them go back into public domain,after prints and stuff. http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/g/gill_elizabeth.html
After reading some of the other websites I was able to determine that the police were able to get some info on the Chevy truck. They say that they traced it to a dealer and could have gotten the VIN from the dealer (it may be that not all of the plates that were associated to the 2 cars were stolen). Remember both of the cars of interest would have been new cars the year of the abduction - 1965. I would assume something similar happened with the TBird. The reason they don't have info on the people is that they were using false names, it seems that I think I read that the Tbird had a problem in town and the owner bought parts with cash and gave a false name (I could be wrong though it could have been the truck). Again remember that these also were people of interest, they might have been people "just passing through" but it is the only hope the family does have. Here is a question for the crew, I did a quick google search to try to see if the '65 Chevy truck VIN would match what should have been a '65 VIN. I wasn't able to find a good answer. Could the provided VIN work, or does something not look right, ie should it start "5C" instead of just "C" -- I really don't know anything about them but it looks like the earlier ones would have the year out front?