.....from Socalcarculture.com, so I can find location of events? Like the one in "Carp" on Saturday. Thanks
Two things. I don't know if I tried properly, but it said my fire something bla bla bla won't bla bla bla. Also, how would I access it if I did get it downloaded? Thanks
Groucho, it's telling you that you need to close firefox and hit the continue button on the installer. Once it's downloaded you just need to go back to the page and click on the link again. This time it will show up in your browser. Good luck.
Get your kid,a grand kid,or one of your neighbor's kids to walk you through it.Think of it as when you were 1st learning to work on cars. Someone usually had to steer you in the right direction,and you picked up the jargon as you went along.
Thanks Groucho! It's nice to know I'm not the only one! Nice to meet you at LARS a couple of weeks ago too... Good luck with that computer stuff
Thank you too!!! OK, another brain fart. I met so MANY people @ LARS....which one were you? I'm pretty sure I know, but refresh my memory. I believe you came to our spot with another more local HAMBer? I reckognized his screen name, not yours that day?
Click on the word "fliers" and a window will pop up with a list of different programs. Click on "Adobe Reader" and then just follow thru on the download. Shouldn't take more than 10 mins for process. Once the program is downloaded, you will be able to view the fliers.
No worries man, Chip Quinn - I hit your space in preferred parking about 11:00 am on Sunday. I was walking around with ElPolacko, also from Phoenix. You do meet tons of people at these things don't ya? Sounds like your computer problems are well at hand - just swear at the damn thing and punch buttons until it does what you need, right?
That's what I thought Carp. is short for Crap and Diariah, Ca, just south of SB on 101, or maybe better known as Carpinteria just south of Santa Barbara,
Beautiful! It took someone from Australia to clear up something a few miles from me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Groucho, I find it helps to pound on the keyboard and swear at the computer, then get up and be an ass to everyone else in the house.
That reminds me of this: Guy Calls Up the Computer Helpdesk. (A guy. Not a guy named Guy...) Assistant: Hello and welcome to homesite computer's helpdesk, how may I help you? customer: Yeah, well I just have a question about my computer. assistant: What's that? customer: Well, I saw this thing called explorer, and I clicked on it, but something went wrong. assistant: How do you mean? customer: Well this little box opened and said page not found, and the box was just white, so I was just wondering what to do. assistant: Well you have to type in the address. customer: Oh! my address! ok thanks, ok bye assistant: Thank you for calling... Five minutes later the same guy calls up and the same assistant answers. assistant: Hello and welcome to homesite computer's helpdesk, how may I help you? customer (recognizing the voice): Hey, well it's me again, from five minutes ago, with the explorer. assistant: Oh yes, of course, did things work out? customer: Uuuh, well, no, I typed my address but I got the page not found thing again. assistant: No sir, you don't type in your address, you type in the name of the website. customer: I'm not sure what you mean, could you give me an example. assistant: ok, try www. customer: w. assistant: no no, three w's and then . customer: Three w's and then a dot? What the ____ kind of name is that? assistant: No, sir, it's the URL customer: Ok wait, so his first name is Earl and then what? assistant: Noooh! ah, ok, do you still have the papers and the box that came with the computer. customer: Yeah, sure, why? assistant, well put everything back in the box and bring it back to the store. customer: Oh, man, it's that bad? assistant: Yes, I'm afraid it is. customer: well, what should I tell them? assistant: Tell them you're too stupid to own a computer.
No problem, I was going to give you some long winded instructions for next time, but thought it would be easier to just post it. I didn't want you to do this to yourself! *Slightly violent, but funny.