Alright, any of you guys have photo shop? Time to put it to work. I'm thinking about finally biting the bullet and tearing into the rest of the bodywork on my car. I'm leaning towards a '57 Pontiac type hood to get rid of the stock hood ornaments. (Late 50's cars just have too many doo dads and flingle dingles hangin' off 'em.) I don't have photo shop so I have no way to visualize the colors on the car. I do know that that flat black makes me sick. I'll be going back suede on the bottom, because paint materials are too expensive for mere mortals like myself. These are the two colors schemes I'm considering; 1.) Deep purple on bottom, Think "passion pearl" or the color on "purple people eater". As close as I can mix it with sealer. Silver flake on top. 2.) Light blue on bottom. The color I'm thinking is a VW Bug color that is so light it's almost gray. It's called "Aquarius blue". I can get pretty close to it in a suede. Black flake top over black base. 3.) Or, just the original colors for the car. Which are: Surf green with india ivory top. Any other ideas? No "Normal" '57 Chevy colors like red, maroon, turquoise, or anything lame like that. Keep in mind that the interior is white with black dash and carpet.
Heres some color examples. The surf green is obviously easy to visualize because it's the factory color.
There is a long thread on photoshopped rides you should post it on there. Also you forgot to say please.
Here's what I came up with... lines are rough and the whole thing was kind of rushed but it should give you a general idea... Anything you want changed just let me know and I can whip it up for you.
Thats pretty kool! Thanks. Man, I need to get photoshop. I find it hard to justify paying money for something that aint car parts!