A friend of mine just read in street scene that Pa is passing a street rod friendly law that allows no fenders or bumpers, this should make a lot of people happy there, I have not read the article myself but this is what I'm told.
Yeah, man... no hood required either. Check out this site. It has a lot of good info. http://www.pavehiclenews.com/ Chris
Yup. Pretty much old news around here. But nice anyway. FWIW I never ran fenders or a hood on any Hot Rod I've ever owned. But now its nice to know the law is on my side...now that I have a custom...Damn. Spike
When you think about it PA is easy on its car laws, no clunker laws yet. no real noise laws. Inspection/ emissions is a joke to get around, some countys dont have it. This stuff is no big deal in most states when your car is 50-70 years old but when you have a late model hotrod its a whole new game. Try getting a car with no cats thru a state run inspection station in jersey, then you will have somthing to really complain about. Just my thoughts, oh and when i posted this info when it first came out people were shiting on me because i posted somthing that was only relevant to "street rods". WTF
Yea!! Finally all you Keystone hot rodders can do it right after all these years! Sure happy for all you new open wheel hot rodders! I can hear them coming off already! Let"s see your................tires!