Pics form yesterday's CPMCC meeting and picnic. And then we ate a hell of a lot of food! More pics:
This is what I saw at the Street Rod Nationals yesterday. There were 2 tables of models and the wanted $50 each. Yeah $50 each! I only saw maybe 5 that might be rare, but the rest I could get under $20 with shipping on Fleebay. And these were out in the hot hot sun, so they are probably warped.
At 50 years of age, I still make like a little kid at a candy store when it comes to checking out the model kits... Thanks anyway!
You know, as I get older I really have less and less tollarence for people like this. I would have laughed in his face and shame on anyone that purchased something from him.
First, that blue Ford is terrific! I love it! Thanks for sharing the pics! Now for that guy. I can get that catalina kit for under $15. LOL. Almost got the rancharo for $17. For him to try to get that is idiotic. I more then likely would have asked, how much are these kits, I know that price cant be right! Then when he answered, coughed and said holy sh.. Thats ridiculous, show me one thats really worth that price idiot! LOL.
The only problem will be that hundreds of people saw this stupid pricing and are now telling themselves and there friends that there kits at home are worth $50.00 each. Get real thats why I dont buy much at swap meats any more. Looking at the pile maybe the Nova might be worth that. Did the same guy own the truck behind the table we could call him.
There is absolutely NOTHING on that table worth anywhere close to $50. He should have been selling 3 kits for $50. Most of those kits (and you don't know if they were complete, unmolested kits) sell for $8-$12 at model shows and swap meets.
i normally don't pick at other people's builds, but the roadrunner threw me. why do all the extra detail on the engine, and plop a piece of photoetch on the cowl grille? at that, why paint the wiper BLADES but not the window trim? the rest of the pics were killer; love the misfit. not one of those boxed kits was worth more than $20 TOPS.
Hey James, Believe it or not, it's an early sixties remnant from an old aftermarket (Revell) interior detailing kit. Sorta like the parts packs you've probably seen around. They had a whole series of club plaques that were printed on heavy stock that came with cloth, velvet and other material for detailing model car interiors. The Joker was my favorite, and I managed to hang on to it...the one in the window is actually a photocopy of the original.
That misfit is very cool looking. Great job on the masking! Now, I can say I have seen one of those van kits sell for about $30 on the bay. If anyone thinks any of those prices are plausable though, I have a couple of kits I will sell for less than that! LOL.
that blue hot rod is friggin awsome, i saw the misfit gasser on another forum and was blown away by it, it is amazing. i dont have any thing to post this week but i should have something by next week