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Whats the hairist ride you very had in or on a vehicle?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by kruizin, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. firingorder1
    Joined: Dec 15, 2006
    Posts: 2,147


    El Mirage July meet. As I shifted into fourth the kill switch popped loose. Its mounted on the right handlebar. Rather than waste a good run (to that point) I reached over with my left hand and held the switch on. Ran a one handed 120.043. Definitely had my attention.

  2. low-n-slo54
    Joined: Jul 25, 2009
    Posts: 1,920


    The next ride, I was driving north through Mississippi on highway 45. Doing about 75, a guy failed to yield right of way, crossed the median, I swerved, hit him and rolled my 97 Blazer five times. I will post pictures of the damage it did to me later.
  3. Mike51Merc
    Joined: Dec 5, 2008
    Posts: 3,855


    OT '82 Toyota Celica that I had about one week. Into a sweeping off-camber left turn, hit a pothole and yawed into a drainage swale (ditch) in the soft shoulder. The impact of the sidewall of the swale pitched the car over into an airborne combo cartwheel/barrel roll. The car ended up in the woods laying sideways on the driver's door, facing the opposite direction I was travelling, wedged snugly between two trees. While it was happening it felt like an amusement park ride that corkscrews you upside down. Luckily the g-forces pushed me into the seat and not out of it. I know how those rally car drivers feel.

    Total loss, roof caved in, every glass broken, every panel crunched except passenger side door (it was in the air). I took seven stitches in the top of my head and a new outlook on sporty driving. Next car was a Cadillac Sedan De Ville.
  4. Long story short. I hit a cop street racing at around 75mph.
  5. blown240
    Joined: Aug 2, 2005
    Posts: 1,815

    from So-cal

    I spun out my first car on the 405 freeway at 3 in the afternoon. 3 full spins, almost hit the guard rail, and came to a rest on the right shoulder. Didn't hit a thing...
  6. Truckedup
    Joined: Jul 25, 2006
    Posts: 4,660


    A bunch of years ago I got a ride in a Datsun 510 race car,on the street.One of those little square things that race on sports car tracks.No passanger seat,no interior,screamin 4 cylinder engine.I just hung on while while the driver,a good friend,pulled G's in corners I had never felt before.He tried to scare the shit out of me and did a good job:D
  7. mart3406
    Joined: May 31, 2009
    Posts: 3,055

    from Canada

    Probably the time in 1975 when an idiot
    *former* buddy wrecked his '70 440 Dodge
    Challenger that he had owned for all of a
    week, with me and two other people in the
    car with him. He was driving down the road
    my parents lived on that dead-ended at Lake
    Ontario, showing what his car could do and
    generally driving like a complete ass. He had
    just hit about 100 mph, when for no apparent
    reason, other than maybe realizing that the
    road was ending soon and not wanting to end
    up in Lake Ontario, he nailed the brakes
    ....hard...too hard.....and locked up one front
    wheel, losing control and putting the car into
    a ditch. Not too bad so far- the car was sliding
    with two wheels down in the ditch and the other
    two still up on the pavement - until it hit the
    steel culvert where my parents next door
    neighbor's driveway crossed over the ditch!
    That's when all hell *really* broke loose. The
    front of the car stopped moving forward when
    it hit the steel culvert- but the back end of the,
    car, powered by momentum. of course was
    still traveling at close to a 100 mph! The front
    stopped, the ass end of the car kicked up in
    the air and the car rolled, end over end, three
    times, landing on my parents front lawn, with
    my poor old dad, sitting on the front porch,
    reading the newspaper! When the car finally
    stopped, the front and rear ends of the car
    were severely hammered in and about foot
    and half shorter than before, the whole car
    was bent kind of like a banana and it was
    upside down, with the roof flattened to just
    below the level of the tops of the high-back
    front bucket seats. Don't ask me how, because
    we were all suffering from shock and I don't
    remember, but somehow all four of us survived
    and were pulled out of the wreck with only a
    few cuts and scrapes and a whole, whole lot
    of bruises.

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  8. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
    Posts: 3,038

    from Auburn WA

    I was driving back from seattle in my coupe. 300hp smallblock, saginaw 3 speed, and hurst cheaters on the back. We were hosting a car show up off aurora when it started raining. The rain never stopped after the show was over. I get heading home taking it real easy and pussy-footing it like mad. Get to the Aurora tunnel which has a sweeper left hander at the end of it and im doing 45mph. Ass end of my coupe kicks into the other lane and i have the steering wheel locked to the right and my foot off the gas. Ass ends settles back into my lane, and i take the first exit off the highway and its backroads all the way home.
  9. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    140 in a Ferrari GTO on a winding 2-lane road in San Fernando, Ca., "testing the carburetor sync."

    At night.

    No, I wasn't driving!

    No real drama, got home safe but with a new respect for the old song lyric, "telephone poles looked like a picket fence."

  10. 296ardun
    Joined: Feb 11, 2009
    Posts: 4,689


    It was almost always a wild ride when the parachute didn't come out, which in the early days of parachutes was often (generally I didn't pack it right!) got familiar with what it looks like beyond the shutoff area at San Fernando (under a bridge), San Gabriel (lots of gravel), and especially Colton, where you go up a dirt rise, get airborne, and wind up in a cemetary...the last one really wasted my back but was lucky --- lots of other guys didn't survive non-chute stops .....
  11. I had a 1967 Mustang Fastback that was powered by a 390 backed by a 3 speed trans. One day I was talking to one of my friend's buddies and he did not believe me when I told him it would go faster then his Chevelle. We got in his car and took a ride on I-75 and got up to about 120 mph and he quit. We then jumped in my Mustang and jumped on I-75. I hit the throttle and the tac was at 4000 and the speedometer was at 120, so I pushed down on the go paddle and the rpms started to climb. Just as I got over the top of the bridge on Goddard rd in Allen Park, a VW cut in front of me. I turned the wheels to the right to miss him and he moved over into the lane I was going for. I turned the wheel harder to go into the next lane and I blew the right front tire. The guy next to me was yelling at the top of his lungs" I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!!" The wier wheel hubcap came off and hit the pole holding the sign for the next exit and I was pulling the wheel to the left as we were riding the shoulder looking at the dropoff next to the shoulder. I got the car stopped, checked my underwear( They were still clean, but barely), sat there for about an hour( at least it seemed that long). The bead on the tire had came off the rim from the turning force. I looked at my passenger and said " Well we did not die". That was the last time he ever rode with me. I don't no why he wouldn't.
  12. Mike Rotch
    Joined: Jul 15, 2010
    Posts: 166

    Mike Rotch
    from Easley SC

    When I was a kid I bought an old f100 and the brake pedal broke on the way home. I drove it into some small trees to keep from hitting anybody. I was more pissed than anything, no big deal.
    The scariest ride I ever had was transporting my buddy back home while he was having a panic attack. I thought he was on dope and was considering knocking the shit out of him for his own good.
  13. i have done the over center throttle stuck on a few cars scary trying shut car downviod traffic and trees... will always check for this on any car i intend to do w.o.t .
  14. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


  15. czuch
    Joined: Sep 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,688

    from vail az

    The kid brought home a BMX magazine with a story about "Down hill bikes".
    I can make one of those. They used a bar with two five pound weights through the crank hole. I used a longer bar with 25.10,5,5. On each side. Looked pretty cool I thought, graduated like that and all. Next was a screen door closer hose clamped to the frame and fork to minimize death wobble. Rams horn 10 speed handlebars, new bolts for the 10 speed caliper brakes. Leather jacket,Bell tourstar and a hill.
    San Diego county, HWY 94 from Tecate. Starts out nice with sweeping turns and a gentle down hill. Then, a 2 mile 10% grade on which I broke the limit of good sense.
    I passed a car in the center of the double lane because the cars were stacked up going and coming. The new bolt broke and I had a 10 speed type caliper on my left shoulder and wasnt gonna use the front one at all. Two sweeping turns later that were a blur taking up way too much road and about the time I pass the little restaraunt I see a California Hiway Patrolman who just had a marvelous lunch. His mouth fell open and the lights came on. When I finally stopped, after a 3 mile runout he did the interview and told me he figured my speed in exess of 80 fargin miles per hour! ON A SCHWINN STINGRAY!!!!!!!!!!
    The girlfriend drove by laughing her ass off, the kid never got his turn. The cop had the bike. I loaded it in his trunk.
  16. kruizin
    Joined: Jan 23, 2009
    Posts: 41


    I bought a 65 Ford 2dr post that a a small coupe type roof on it, it also had a 302 King Cobra out of a mustang and a 4 speed standard trany and a line lock set up , I spent most of my nights on the Sheffield Road out side of Cambridge Ontario Canada doing burn morning I got into the car and headed to work, I was on Hwy 8 out side of Cambridge when I felt a tire blow, this was around 8 am and there were kids were waiting for the school bus, it was right there that the car dropped it's rear right corner of the body and the car began to sway from side to side, I was doing about 75 mph when it happened. I tired to stop but no brakes, which I thought was weird , I began to down shift trying to get it stopped. It took about a half mile to come to a stop in a ditch..I went out to see how bad the tire was and well there was no tire and no rim and no brake drum nor a backing plate and the brake shoes had left the building also. What I found was a sheared off axle shaft looking at me. I walked up the road to where the kids were standing and they were white as a ghost, they just pointed to the ditch, there was my tire , rim ,brake drum and thats right the brake shoes and backing plate...Now the ride was hairy in its own world , but imagine what this 12 years olds went through when the assembly of my rear tire had gone between them as they stood there waiting to go gain more knowledge at their school, I would think they had learnt one extra lesson that day...and the reason the tire was there, well it had been pushed into the trunk when the car dropped to the asphalt and had rattled around in the trunk and spit out my left quarter panel....
  17. propwash
    Joined: Jul 25, 2005
    Posts: 3,857

    from Las Vegas

    too bad it has to be something that stays on the ground...I have some excellent 'hairy' stories regarding events "at altitude".

  18. OahuEli
    Joined: Dec 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,243

    from Hawaii

    In 1992 I overhauled the motor on my buddies '76 FLH Harley. While out "breaking it in" from bar to bar, my other buddy Fabe, whom I was riding with, wanted to ride the FLH. He had an early '80s Shovel that had been modified, and with no speedometer. Any way, he took off first onto the on-ramp and I followed on his bike. He rolled it on and so did I , passing him like he was sitting still. At the next bar he told me he was hitting over 100 mph when I passed him. We figured I was running about 130. Normally it took about twenty minutes to get to the next bar; we made it in less than ten. Sad thing is, less than 6 months later Fabe was killed on his bike, no alcohol involved. Kinda keeps things in perspective nowadays.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  19. xhotrodder
    Joined: Jul 2, 2009
    Posts: 1,666


    Scariest ride I ever went on was with a friend. He had a 40 Ford Coupe he had just bought. It had a 327 Chevy with a 4-speed. It was not lowered much. I was working at a motel over by the airport (Louisville, Ky.) and there was a long road that went from the airport to the Fairgrounds (The one where the Nationals is held). We left the front of the motel up the road toward the Fairgrounds, (no seat belts) hit the curve going over the expressway going 90 miles an hour, the car started to lean. I thought we were going to end up on our side skidding down the road, I was holding on for dear life one hand on the dash, the other on the roof. My buddy looks over at me and says very calmly, dude your going to rip a hole in my headliner. He got us through that curve and we came down toward the fairgrounds at about 110 mph, and he hit the brakes and slid to a stop just under the red light. I asked him if he was planning to ride back the same way and he said his headliner couldn't take it. It took me 10 minutes before my knees stopped shaking.
  20. :D About 20 years ago I picked up this girl in south Phoenix and er.. uh? wait!.. my bad :eek:... Sorry! I thought it said hairiest hyde.... never mind!
  21. OahuEli
    Joined: Dec 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,243

    from Hawaii

    Oh you gotta tell us that one. How long were you under the jail?
  22. andreasklapp
    Joined: Jun 20, 2010
    Posts: 31


    i got a few.
    had a dirtbike start surging on me once and catch my sleeve well enough to drag me through gravel for about 20 yards. helmet saved my head. got hit from behind at 70 (while we were stopped at a light) and almost died, deaf in one ear for a couple years, misaligned my spine for a few years (when i was five) . driven at least twice coast to coast with no plates or paperwork whatsoever (if you add up all the miles) with some things i shouldn't have had in the car.... now i usually drive a little slower, and i make my vehicles legal, and i don't do any hauling of any kind anymore.
  23. Sam Navarro
    Joined: Jul 16, 2009
    Posts: 758

    Sam Navarro

    It was thanksgiving day night and I was 15 years old, my buddies parents thought it would be alright if they bought him and I a case of lone star each. 3hrs later they were asleep and we stole his dads brand new F-150!1hr after that the brand new F-150 fought a 35ft tall oak tree and the F-150 (us) lost. BIG TIME!
  24. UnsettledParadox
    Joined: Apr 25, 2007
    Posts: 1,107


    last year i was puttin the hammer down and giving my big block skylark hell out through the valley. speeds reached 105mph+ and it was one hell of a thrill ride. the next morning i went to back out of my driveway and heard a loud POP and the front of the car sank down. found this when i jacked it up

  25. Lee_Ford
    Joined: Aug 16, 2009
    Posts: 78


    That reminded me of the back seat of a 440 Cuda when the owner wanted to prove he could peg the 160mph speedometer. It was a long straight and flat back road, but at night you might have gotten out “sh..” before whatever appeared in the headlights was in your lap.

    Another time, not scary for me but still funny. I was in the Army and had about an hour drive to and from base everyday. A couple of guys I did not much care for lived a block away and wanted to bum a ride home. I said ok and was in my driveway in 30 minutes. It was a 1968 Chrysler, 440, buckets with consol shift. I was power sliding almost every turn on the way home. They never ask for a ride again.:rolleyes:
  26. OahuEli
    Joined: Dec 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,243

    from Hawaii

    I bet that left skid marks in yer skivvies!
  27. Giovanni
    Joined: Jan 21, 2010
    Posts: 173


    Riding my 82 nighthawk i got snagged in train tracks that ran down the middle of the lane. Oh, and it was raining. I don't know how i didn't high side it, but i flopped around like a fish at 40 miles an hour for at least 6 or 7 full lock skids.
  28. Almost forgot about my Mini Bike crash:
    I was about 10 years old and had a mini-bike that my dad built up for me. Had a 2hp briggs & stratton on board. I let my next door neighbor buddy ride it and he came back and told me the throttle was sticking. I called BS and hopped on it, cranked it up, and nailed the which point the cable snapped with the throttle wide open and didn't spring back. Granted it didn't actually go very vast but hey...I was 10. Anyway....paniced and didn't hit the kill swich and rode it right into a ditch. I went sailing over the bars and landed on the ditch bank on the other side on my stomach. Bent the fork a little....had to straighten it out....lucky I didn't get hurt. But man....whatta ride!
  29. brucer
    Joined: Jun 5, 2008
    Posts: 332

    from western ky

    when i was 18 i welded a front ladder bar mount on a chevy luv truck had a 468 with nitrous on it...
    i welded it , as soon as i was done and crawled out from under the truck, the guy told me to jump in and we're gonna test it out.. he ran an all out pass down hwy41south, he did a burnout, nailed it, it was pointing to the stars,scared the shit out of me.

    i was also hit head on by a semi-truck at 35mph, i was in a ford ranger, i walked away with just a scratch on my knuckle and sore ribs.. of course i had bailed out the passenger door before i got hit by the dash and steering wheel.. the front driverside tire was directly under the drivers seat.. the truck driver crossed the centerline and never seen me.... i still thank god for that every now and then when i think of it..actually dont know how i survived that, if i were wearing a seatbelt i bet i would have died or been crippled..
  30. jechevy
    Joined: Jul 10, 2010
    Posts: 2


    Summer of '86, 75-80 Dragway, Frederick, MD. Going through the lights in my 72 Vega, third round. didn't understand why I couldn't keep the car straight when I applied the brakes. Looked in the inside rear-view, nothing but smoke. It blew a transmission cooler line off at the finish line. My crewman said there was a hush through the pits and grandstands. I got it slowed down safely only to find that I had won the round!

    Bummed enough trans fluid to get to the staging lanes and run. when I staged the car for the semi-final, every time I hit the brake it pulled the steering wheel out of my hand. "It's not worth it" was my thought as I staged the car for a slow pass. My competition red-lights!

    When I pulled back in the lanes for the final, my competition was standing in front of my lane with his arms crossed. He came up to me and to my surprise said "you want to split the money?" Dumb me - I said no and got beat. Truly a memorable ride on a memorable night!

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