I am getting ready to go to the local paint /body supply store this morning to buy my first pinstriping brush , thet have a display of "MACK" brushes , and I assume that they are different sizes , what I would like to know , is , what size brush should a guy start out with to learn some of the in's and out's of pinstriping? , I have watched some online videos trying to learn the art , but , the only way to really learn is to get to it , and learn it hands on in my opinion ,so , is there any of you guys that does your own pinstriping? , mabye show some of your work on this thread? , mabye a video or two? , this is something I really want to learn how to do , I am pretty decent with a pencil , pen on paper , and I'm ok with a paint gun , so , mabye I can learn some other kind of hobby , any help is greatly appreciated !!
This is an old archive from StripeKult, lots of good info here: http://sketchkult.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=1110
Get the Mack brush with the blue wrapping, they turn better, the green wrapping ones are just for touch up or pulling straight lines. I know cuz I bought the green ones and I couldn't get it to turn properly, when I went to take lessons from he said the blue wrapped ones turn, or try the scrolling brushes.
thanks for the input , you guys have any pics or videos of your work? , kinda wanting to see some of the work of the guys that frequent the board here...
A few spots open (Central Valley) Saturday August 14th Long time Central Valley Pinstriper Ruben Holguin, whose work has recently been featured in Pinstripe Planet II, a book that features pinstripers from around the world. Ruben will be sharing tips and tricks for beginners and novice stripers in a one day workshop This workshop is geared for anyone interested in learning the art of freehand pinstriping. This one day hands-on workshop that will take place on Saturday August 14th 2010 You will learn: Pinstriping history, brush use and care, paints, thinners, wax removers, reference materials, lay-out, beginner practice steps with individual instruction, and hands-on brush work Class will begin at 9:00 am. and run until 4:00 pm.The cost for the class is $250.00 per person and includes all supplies and materials needed that day. The class will take place at Zarounian Motorsports Studio 1643 E Main St in Visalia, CA. If you have questions, please call Jim (559) 280-1321 or (559) 741-1608 or email jimholguin@comcast.net Class size is limited to 20 students so reserve your spot today by sending a deposit of $50 which will be applied to your registration fee and lunch is provided. Pinstriping Kit (Pinstriped Toolbox) with Mack Brushes and 1 shot paints will be part of a free raffle at the end of the day! <!-- / message --><!-- attachments --> <FIELDSET class=fieldset><LEGEND>Attached Thumbnails</LEGEND> </FIELDSET>
There isn't really a SUPERIOR brush to use. It's how much your dedicated to the art!! Practice PRACTICE PRACTICE!!! Make sure you was all of your brushes and soak em' in oil. Motor oil. YEAH I said motor oil. Don't go out and by "BILLY MAYES HAYES" latest and greatest.......cause you get the same from motor oil. It all comes from the SAME WHOLE IN THE GROUND!! The KEY is to find out what works for you!! KAFKA...... MACK...... there ALL great brushes. But KUSTOM SHOP and other brands that are cost effective can work as well.......it's ALL in how you PREP your brushes and, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. Learn your brush. To qoute a VERY GREAT MAN....... "If it ain't the single most important thing to you to do....... you ain't gonna do it" - Kenneth Joseph Howard "Plus you gotta be a LITTLE crazy to concentate that hard"!! - B)
Have you checked out the vids on Youtube? Some pretty good tips there. Pinstriping is a pretty cheap hobby to get into. I get my One Shot mail order from Summit and brushes from ebay. Other than that most everything else is at your local Wallyworld. Mineral spirits for cleaning and thinning. Mineral oil (sold in the Rx as a laxative) to preserve your brushes. Paper party cups, popcicle sticks, paper plates and salsa jars (you have to eat the salsa but the jars are great for solvent and cleaning).
Go to xcaliberart.com or jxcal@aol.com talk to Mr. J. His xcaliber brush is great for a beginner.Also go to pinstripers lounge.com for pics. Mikey Boy
plenty of seasoned stripers use the green ferule brushes (M.K. John). Its all about personal preference. I think the greens work great. BTW I have an excaliber brush that I hate, if anyone is in central missouri stop by and I'll give it too you.
Get a couple from the display and trim the belly out of them. Make the cut with a single edge razor blade right where the hair meets the wood. Then load it with one shot and pallette it out and cut the straglers off of the tip, but dont cut to much. You ve got to experiment to know how much to cut out of the belly. Thats what i do.
thanks alot guys , I bought a 00 and a 0 , then I bought a "0" outliner , all MACK brushes . plus 4 colors of H.O.K. lettering paint , hope this goes ok , I really want to learn...$91.00 later , I'm ready to get at it , thanks , and post those pics and videos of HAMBERS work , let see what you got!!!
uhhh... no , didnt know I had to have it , I used it once when I painted the rat fink on my trunk lid , it dried just fine , should I go get tit?
the way ive heard it, the only way to get decent at laying lines is to buy a gallon of one shot, stripe everything in sight, and by the time the gallon is gone, you will be OK. Ive got a long way to go...
You should have picked One-Shot instead of HOK, much easier for the beginer to use . good luck in your new endeaver.
I wanted to but 1 shot , but , there isnt a distributor around for it , the local paint store had the H.O.K. , and it seemed fairly priced ($16.00/can) , and I am the guy that , when I came up with a plan, I got to start on it right then , not wait till the one shot comes thru the mail from ebay...lol, I guess the patience thing I'm gonna have to work on
Be sure to check ebay for one shot. http://cgi.ebay.com/1-ONE-SHOT-PAIN...RTER-PINT-/290455779058?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0
If you can learn to stripe with that and not get discouraged... you'll be a B-A-A-A-D-D-D man when you do get your One-Shot! I've been slingin' paint for 30 plus years and I promise it's worth waiting a few days to get One-Shot. Good luck with your striping and be sure to post a few pics!
one shot is good but i like RONAN one stroke. you dont need special thinners or hardeners. runs just like one shot. its my personal fav. super price on this stuff too! http://www.ronanpaints.com/graphic.htm
RATRODDUDE...... if you are in a pinch, RUSTOLEUM WORKS NICE.Believe it or not. The only difference is it take 24 hrs to dry. But it works and is cost effective.
cool , I thought it would , and I found a bunch of it in 1/2 pint cans at Big &Small lots for $2.00 a can!!!!!!!!! , sunburst yellow , roman red , key lime green , gonna try it too , thanks for the heads up!!
OO Mack for 35 years. My box has only use two striping brushes, the newest 00 and one that is worn down for super thin lines. I use one type of brush for speed, no need to change out brushes for every size stroke or color if you know what to do. You don't need a box full of brushes. You can use only one at a time. I use the cheapest medium reducer (Advantage) and hardner (whether clearing over or not) with 1-shot and never have any problems. I like what Nummie said too. With a simple strategy and not over thinking everything you can learn to stripe. Mikey Did it On-line pinstriping classes starting in Nov. See website for details www.mikeyspinstriping.com http://www.youtube.com/user/theMikeyDiditShow
I have been prinstriping for about 3 years now. I started with an xcaliber and 00 Mack brush. Now all I use is a 000 blue rap Mack brush. I do all of my panels with this brush. The first time I tried striping I felt like a crack head trying to walk a straight line. It was ugly!!! I put the brushes away for 3 weeks an didnt touch them. I started back up and justed practiced line after line for hours upon hours. The only paint I use is 1-Shot and thin with mineral spirits. I don't like HOK, for price and bad experiences, and the mineral spirits thin just as good as the name brand expensive thinners. Below are a few panels I have done with my trusty Mack 000. Let me know if you have any further questions or need any help. Good luck and remember, practice, practice, and more practice! I have more pictures on my profile if your interested. Also I would HIGHLY recommend joining the Pinheadlounge.com. There is a wealth of knowledge on there!
thanks man , I appreciate the hookup on the pinhead lounge site , gonna follow up on it this evening , right now , time to practice, practice, practice....