Just wondering if anyone here will be headed to the ol' cabbage patch for their 50th anniversary weekend........
i can't believe there is not more interest in a north east dragstrip celebrating their 50th anniversary........ if the thread was that they were shutting it down everyone would say how stupid the idea would be. this track reeeeeks tradition. not to mention they will have DON FUCKING GARLIT'S man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for postin' the flyer... Island is a cool place. There are so many things to do and I want to get the coupe on the road. I'm sick of not havin' a hot rod to drive to the events. Smokey
i don' get it LOL one star.........oh man !! did i miss something here. i know these are traditinal boards we are on and i thought man what could be more nostalgic than DG at island ? i have nothing to gain from this . i just want people to see a great old school track and a legend who raced there. nice setting in the mountains and in between farms and all that.
It would be a shame to miss this event. "Big" at "The Patch"! Drag Racing's number one living legend back at one of the oldest, most nostalgic tracks around. A step back in time as Island is virtually unchanged for 50years! I'm going, just not sure which day. See you all there.....I hope.
STILL can not undersatnad why more people have not shown support for this event........... anyway i will still try to let people know as i am sure it will be a great time......... hope to see you there bob.... maybe you can let that guy know who owns the HOT ROD HUDSON , unless he's up north.
Went to Island tonight Put a street 80 Firebird together for the 50th meet Drove it up ran 14.71 at 93 and drove it home. Jet cars went the full quarter at 269 mph with an ET of 5.80-ish Nuts thought they would only go 1000 feet. Wheelstanders put on a nice show Got crowded at the end. Going back tomorrow to run in the N-4 catagory
last night was awesome !!!!!!!!! how about the jet cars basically setting those telephone poles on fire !!!!!!! the wheelstanders were awesome hope to see you all there
Garlits was awesome I had some old pictures from the 60's and acouple from 1971 when he had his rear engine car at Island before he installed the wing I offered him a picture he grabbed it out of my hand and ran into his trailer to put it away WOW Then he came out and started the restored front engine dragster Crowd went nuts. Great time
Bet Big Daddy thought he was caught in a time warp when he drove in the gates. Here are a few pics . Next is Ol' Daze drags 9/12, always some time machines show up.
2afbs. you run with mandra dont you? i know i seen that license plate. i was with the english brothers in the fiat and mga