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Event Coverage Goodguys is Cancelling This Why? Blue Suede Cruise Coverage

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Malibob, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    It never ceases to amaze me how people get all ugly when a company such as GG's attempts to make a profit...isn't earning money and making a profit the American Way...???

    Were you aware that NSRA, NHRA, IHRA, ISCA and Street Rodder, Hot Rod, Rod & Kulture magazines, all of the Alliance members here and any number of other organizations/companies...and yes, even the HAMB are set up to make a profit... quite simply, they earn money, as a business or the organization/company will cease to operate -- unless you're like GM, Chrysler, AIG Insurance, Wall Street et al and etc. and get bailed out by Obama...!!! The American way is capitalism, pure and get a paycheck for your time working, right...??? That's capitalism, without it, you wouldn't be building anything or going to events. NO ONE works for company/organization operates on a deficit.

  2. I disagree with everything you have to say, except that Goodguys is a successful company. Goodguys was actually founded in 1983 and the story I have been told of how Goodguys begin, it was only after another National Street Rod organization pulled out of doing a car show at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, CA, that Gary Meadors formed Goodguys, stepped up and decided to take on the responsibilty of putting on the car show.

    Goodguys is a organization of car people who put on events for car people. If they were truly in the business of promoting car shows just to line their own pockets, how do you explain the fact that I watched Marc Meadors, President of Goodguys, runs his Camaro race car in Boise, ID and I saw photos of Gary Meadors yellow Model A roadster at Bonneville on the exact same weekend as the Goodguys' event in Spokane, WA? It seems to me that if they were really the "greedy-guys" everyone says they are, they wouldn't be out there supporting two other car events on the same weekend as one of their own shows, but there's visual proof showing that the two top execs in the organization did exactly that. Shouldn't they be at home counting all the money their supposedly making instead of spending it at someone else's show?

    It take a lot on time and money to put on a car show, and the hard work takes place long before the first car ever drives into the show. If you've ever helped put on a car show yourself, then you know how much work it really is. Consider the fact that all of these items have to be paid for and taken care in advance of the show with the hope that you will at best break even or hopefully make a small profit: renting the facility to host the event, obtaining and paying insurance on the event, hiring and staffing the event, paying for security, organizing the pre-registrations and goody bags, designing artwork for the show, printing event t-shirts, paying for event advertising, etc...

    If Goodguys was canceling the show in my area and I wanted it to continue on. I would call the organization and ask them why they decided to leave? then I would poll the local car clubs about what improvements could be made to the show. After that I would get a group of like-mined friends together, like here on the H.A.M.B. and attempt to put a similar show the next year. Who knows it might actually be fun, and If were lucky we might even cover the cost of putting on the show.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  3. JC Sparks
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 733

    JC Sparks
    from Ohio

    Don, I heard that. 80% of them ran to the motel as soon as 5:00 hit.
    The party doesn't start till the sun goes down!. But not every one is as young as we are.
    It took me a hour to find a party in the pit, what is dragracing coming to??? JC
  4. Mr Haney
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,000

    Mr Haney

    Too bad Don wouldn't come to rock and race this year ! His car is too fast now so he woulda had 2 run eighth [ whine] I am just now recovering from that party........jeeeez:D
  5. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    40StudeDude- I am not getting all "ugly" I am just trying to let people what a great show they have been missing out on. I understand that companies are in existance to make a profit. If they were not they would not survive as a business for very long. I wouldl ike them to make more money off of Norwalk so that the show stays. I do think mistakes were made with this venue though; such as scheduling; they moved the dates from year to year and they als schedule during another prominent car show.

    I would like to see both more vendors and registrants. As the registrants come and companies see the number of clients they potentially miss the vendor count will go up too and the problem is solved.

    There are a lot of bashers for everything, but you will never change their mind. All I would like to do is show people what a great time I had and maybe get them to come out.

    The best way I can describe it is that it is like a vacation from Columbus.
  6. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    My apologies to you if you thot that was directed at was was directed at all the people on the HAMB that seem to think "Greedy-Guy's" is only after their money and could care less about putting on a good event...perhaps one of these days those "haters" will be in charge of putting on an event and will see first-hand that it takes a lot of money to make an event successful...then perhaps they'll have a better understanding of what it takes to make a "car event" pay for itself...or they'll fall flat on their face.

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  7. Choptop
    Joined: Jun 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,303


    here is a hint... Businesses are not in business for the "fun" of anything. ITS A BUSINESS, the idea is to make a profit. If you are lucky and can run a successful business and have fun doing it, great... but the bottom line is, the bottom line.

    just like you dont go to work "just for the fun of it"... you go to work because you get paid to do so. You get paid because your employer makes a profit. If you are lucky, you enjoy what you do to earn your paycheck, but you wouldnt keep showing up 8 hours a day if they stopped paying you.

    I really dont understand where the anti-business sentiment in the traditional hot rodding world comes from. All those great customizers ya'll idolize? All for profit businesses. All the parts suppliers? All for profit businesses. Most of the shows? For profit businesses. hell... the cars you drive were sold by for profit businesses.... Its kind of the idea... this is America... capitalist country and all.
  8. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    Lets not get off track here.

    The original point was- good show; hope it is here again next year; if so you should go.
  9. alterbob
    Joined: Nov 10, 2009
    Posts: 112

    from Butler,Pa.

    I've been to the show before. I raced this time had a great time .Time trials ok friday and saturday morning, They need to race sat and sunday. Just my thoughts. Bob
  10. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,258

    from Florida

    I was going to bring this same exact thing up (about Jacksonville FL)

    Well I did that exact thing cause I always had a good time at the J-ville show...My answer from the higher ups at guessed it, they "wern't pulling the proft margin they had envisioned".

    Payne I disagree with you there (mostly due to my above statement in response to your question) GG may have started out with one purpose but have clearly ended up at another purpose....Bottom line, they are a COMPANY that produces a PRODUCT and are concerned with the BOTTOM LINE.

    I get that...and understand it....I still dont have to be happy about it. Its straight capitalism...Honestly, I'd have done the same thing.

    As far as the execs at other events.....I'd rather be Bonneville than a GG event too....

    At the end of the day your still going to have a contingent that is going to complain that an organization cancelled an event because it was no longer as profitable as it once was....that particular contingend usually believes they should keep the event running even if they are in the red...
  11. roddin-shack
    Joined: Apr 12, 2006
    Posts: 2,534


    I went last year and loved the venue and the cars. I couldnt go this year and recommended it to some friends, one includes the owner of the Black and Red 57 Chevy,they will go back and so will I. It would be a shame if G.G. had to leave.

    Thanks for the photos they were great.:D
  12. novatattoo
    Joined: Oct 6, 2005
    Posts: 2,030

    from Canton,OH

    That 57 is bad ass..............
  13. i was hoping to make this show sometime maybe next year if there is a next year ..... oh well ..... im prolly the only car guy in the state of ohio who has never been to norwalk
  14. richie rebel
    Joined: Oct 8, 2007
    Posts: 1,184

    richie rebel

    i second that,57 is really bad ass..........
  15. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    Geez, the usual whining and the usual, "that company is trying to make money to pay their employees, so they're assholes" complaint. Stuff like that is not really even worth a comment. If you don't understand how businesses work then you need more education than I care to provide.

    It would have been far easier to ask me what the situation is.

    Even though you didn't ask, I'll tell you what I know anyway.

    No, Goodguys has not cancelled the Blue Suede Cruise. Is Goodguys looking at the viability of the show, yes, as it should, it's a BUSINESS. I'll let you guys know as soon as something, if anything, happens.

    As for the Florida events mentioned, the numbers stated are WAY exaggerated. If those were the actual numbers Goodguys would likely have TWO events in Florida.
  16. Mr Haney
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
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    Mr Haney

    malibob....dont sweat it man, always something cool [hot rod] related going on over here next door to ya. we got norwalk, thomson, 42, killcare drag strips hoppin all summer long ! Free sweet corn, amish pies and corn fed girls.......If the chainers pulls out someone else will pick up the ball. all is good neighbor
  17. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031



    <---Proud to be a dick.
  18. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,258

    from Florida

    Just for the record KIRK! I was standin up for ya....I understand the concept of business and income and shit....seems alot of guys don't though...As I's not like I gotta like it though...

    Honestly after hearing the #'s and shit from the J-ville show the area screwed themselves out of a good show....

    The prob with J-ville is that everyone bitched that we didn't have any good car shows.....then we got one and no one they again bitch that we aint got a good car show...This area has GOBS of sweet cars....the problem is.....they never get driven, so you never see them.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  19. chances are the track wants a big piece of the action, probally more than there worth, and goodguys is probally stretched as the west coast nats are the week after and thats a big show ( i like it)
  20. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    I can honestly say that every year I have been with Goodguys Florida has been discussed. Even the years after we no longer had events there. Goodguys would LOVE to be in Florida. It just seems that there are too many local events for people to travel any distance to attend a large show. Bummer.
  21. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,258

    from Florida

    You may be right....but the "local events in J-ville/Duval typically consist of the local PT cruiser club...they suck. I thought New Mexico was bad about not having shows....this place is much much worse.

    The one good local monthly event that we do have (just a Checkers burger joint cruise) rumor has it is getting cancelled cause the grocery store adjacent to it is "loosing business" due to the show. Funny cause everytime I pass by there on a non-cruise evening the grocery store is deserted (it's kinda out of the way) and I know I'm not the only one when I go to that show I usually do my grocery shopping there afterwards...

    Anyway back to the topic at hand....
  22. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    Obviously you and I know a good car show when we see one. The problem is that most people think that any car show is a good car show. Or, like some on here, that the smaller the car show the better.
  23. Mr Haney
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
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    Mr Haney

    yea you notice I quick edited:D mostly out of respect for you.
    but that has been the slang for as long as I can remember ! I personally have nothing against guys dumping 100K and 100K hrs into their cars. Your builds are very impressive as well. Bottom line wheather your building a "traditional" car to roll the "sub culture" events or a Barris Jackson muscle car....IT IS ALL ABOUT BIG CASH OUT LAY
  24. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    AGAIN, let me point out that the original intent of this post which was scabbed by GG hating pirates (Arrrr) was to inform everyone who was close enough to go and did not; that the Norwalk Blue Suede Cruise is something they should consider going to. It was not to bash GG's or bltch about costs or profits. I truely think I get my moneys worth everytime I go to a GG's event. Plus you get a year of the Gazette and the yearbook, not to mention the hat- which is grey and awesome this year, loving the grey hats.
  25. deadendcruiser
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 691


    I know alot of people cry that G.G. ruined this event. In my opinion they saved it. I don't hear complaints about Columbus, or Indy over price or vibe. Before you bash it, come check it out. Would be nice to see it go at least on more year and make it to the tenth anniversary.
  26. ardyboy
    Joined: Mar 5, 2008
    Posts: 664


    The Blue Suede Cruise was at that track long before the GG showed up and it will be there if they leave. It's a moneymaker for the track and nostalgia racing with a good car show gets a lot of old race fans out of the house for a day.
  27. butcherted
    Joined: Oct 17, 2006
    Posts: 761

    from hagerstown

    I went to this show for two years but could not make it this year, and I think this is a great show. Hope Good Guys keep it up the car count will pick up.
  28. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
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    I like cheese.
  29. lowphat53
    Joined: Sep 30, 2006
    Posts: 229

    from Virginia

    Bring it to Richmond VA... Central location, nice fairgrounds available and there are a ton of us who would LOVE to have a GoodGuys show closer to home... PPPLLLEASE!
  30. Likely cost a crap load of $$ to rent the facility for this event..thus the reason GG can't make it work.
    I recall when the MWHRR was in Columbus..Great event ,but didn't have the "nostalgic feel" to it ,as a smaller facility..



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