Just giving everybody a heads up early. I've been going to this show for a few years and it just gets better every year. http://www.eastcoastdragtimeshalloffame.com/
THANKS for the INFO! Still trying to find good shows and Swap meets around NC or nearby States. Guess I am just spoiled being from California. Paul
Mike this is first time to this car show. Is there going to be beer there? If not can we bring our own beer? Girls!!!! Is there going to pinups at the show? I love pinups w/ tatoos and showing alot of leg? I hope there is Rock a Billy band. I hate beach music. You need to get us some more information. I need to get back to work on my 1940 Ford coupe.
this is one of the best unknown shows in NC. the road devils are coming this year along with tons of others that never knew about it, you do not wanna miss this show!!!!!!! last year me and my buddys went...pulled up at a stop light a few miles before the location and saw vintage slingshot dragsters stopping at stop lights in regular traffic next to soccer moms and the mini vans....very weird to see! but AWESOME! found out theres not any room for trailers so they have to all park in a walmart parking lot 3 miles away and drive or pull the drag cars in.... ive never seen so many traditional cars and vintage drag cars in one place in NC like henderson has. this is my favorite show.
there are some girls but not alot. yes beer will be there. never seen rock a billy band there. just oldies cover bands
Our good friend gene altizer is going to be receiving a life time achievment award there this year. He's a member of the S&S Race Team. One of the most knowlegeable people on the subject of gassers and race cars that you will ever meet. Gasser Girl
Is the show this weekend. I just woke up from a two weeks of drinking and fornication with strippers. I forgot all about the show. What are your plans? I hope my ride will start. The car is at my ex-wife house. Hope it is still there.
HEY Mike my cousin (Eva) just got in town to do some dancing shows in Raleigh. She would love to ride in your roadster to the show. You might need to buy some tequile you know she likes take shoots in morning to get day started. She was telling me she got a new tatoo in Altanta. It is two eagles fighting on her inner thigh. I have not seen the tatoo but she says it is killer. She need to back from show before 6:00pm to get ready for dancing job. I plan on taking her to her job to get in free you can tag along. Her and Lisa is no more she says it was just phase. I believe she has thing for you. Can not wait to get to the show.
BUMP Mike wake up you need Bump up your post. Your post was first. The show is this weekend. Get your car cleaned up and check your brakes.
I shall be there... hope to meet some of you guys... have no idea how I will tell who the hell is who but ah well... should be a nice day!!
This is a great show that you do not want to miss The Raleigh Road Drive in is also showing Thunder Road tonight and tomorrow night. http://www.raleighroaddrivein.com/ Here is a link to coverage on the 2008 show http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=302358