need someone to photoshop out the crane and it would look like a UFO for sure. There is a whole series of pics lifting it from the ground up, so it could look like it lifted itself up there. LOL
Wow, you guys are doing some incredible work, as always. Somehow I missed this thread. I need to give you a ring and catch up!
OK, here's the latest. The entire silo will be done in fieldstone, as well as a 3 foot tall wainscot around the entire building. I have a godawful fear of heights, but here I am 35 feet up in the air (harness on) putting up the stone. Dana and I have been on this all week, and I gotta tell you stone work goes SLOW. I try not to look down or I'll puke. The look is terriffic, though at the rate we're going we should be done with the stone by mid October... (patience grasshopper)
SUBSCRIBED!!! You could sell Hot Rod Barn Vacation Pkgs!! While the "guests" are staying there you could put them to work kinda like a Dude Ranch! BEAUTIFUL PLACE!!! Super jealous!!! Just checked out the Strange Days website, PLEASE POST MORE PICS OF THE FINKOSEL!!!
No, but sometimes I wish it was a kit. Then I'd have someone besides myself to blame when shit went wrong. Try this. Doc here on the Hamb is the current owner. He takes excellent care of it!
Nice weather vane! By the looks of that harness, you will only fall about 15 feet before YANK! Better be careful!!
A bit of an update. We're still working on the stone. Here's the top of the silo.We have also completed the stone wainscot on the South side of the barn. The old house on the property had to go as it was in the way of the new driveway. We stripped it of everything useful and let the backhoe at it. I hadnt seen this much destruction since my first marriage ended badly. If you've never seen a house coming down, it's quite a sight!
Winter is coming, looks like you guys have been busy! I'm looking forward to you guys perfecting this building so you can come build me one next!
You boys are amazing. I don't think there is anything you can't accomplish if you put your mind and hands to it.
Well , I havent posted any updates in a while. The weather here has been unusually beautiful. The old house is gone, and the place is looking pretty good. If we get another few weeks of decent weather we can finish the exterior and then move inside to work for the winter.
I figure we are almost halfway done with the rock. If the weather holds this week we should make some good progress
Its been a while since I updated... We're still doing rockwork. I thought we'd be done a couple weeks ago, but it goes pretty slow when everything has to be hauled up thirty feet before you begin the actual work. The weather is holding out for us so that's a good thing. Here's a couple views of the stone silo portion of the new shop. Dana has been the hero on this one and done most of the stonesetting on the silo. One more week and we can move inside where it's warm!
Yeah, I have been pretty High for the last three weeks "LOL" Even higher now as we added two more levels to the scaffold today.
My barn is big, that my friends is HUGE! I happen to have two steel corn cribs I need to move someday to our place for the tower. They are 400 miles away, we will see how I make that one work!?