Maybe I am the last to hear, but Despain is going to have Ivo and Varni on Wind Tunnel tonight. As they say, "check your local listings".
Bummer ... I missed it. Hope replays the episode ... or at least posts a Video podcast of the interviews on the WindTunnel with Dave Despain iTunes webpage. In the meantime, the Full Audio podcast is up ... just click HERE ... the Ivo interview starts @ the 10:27 mark ... and the Varni interview starts @ the 27:58 mark.
The Video podcast of the Tommy Ivo interview is available on the "WindTunnel with Dave Despain" iTunes webpage ... lot of cool pics of Ivo's drag cars ... just click HERE ... and scroll down to the "9/6/10" release. __________________________________________________ Don't know if or when they will post the Video podcast of the Dennis Varni interview. Most HAMBers know of Varni's (Rolling Bones built) Deuce Tudor: ... but may not be aware of the other cars mentioned in the interview ... * his '92 AMBR winning '29 Hi-boy: * the Bonneville Roadster that got him into the "200 MPH Club" in 1987 ... with a two-way average of 225.012 MPH (backwards through the traps): * his P-38 tank Lakester (the old Markley Bros. Belly Tank) that he drove to a top speed of ~265 MPH: * the E-class Blown Gas Streamliner that got Dennis a "blue hat" (300 MPH Chapter of the "2-Club") on Monday, August 16th 2010 ... with a two-way average of 307.981 MPH: NOTE: On Tuesday, August 17th 2010, Dennis & his 'liner made a pass with an exit speed of 340.229 MPH! ... and on Wednesday, he bumped the E/BGS record to 317.739 MPH!
LOL, man.... HEMI32 I dont even have some of those pictures, where did you find those older pics at? Id like to use them on the website if you dont mind. You also seem to know alot about the details too.. Awesome! and "Butcher Boy", is that you Dave? Butcher boy, how fitting of a handle. Also thanks for posting up a link to the Podcast of the show. I was there when they filmed, taking pics, but only could hear ONE side of the conversation. Im looking for videos of the Streamliner 909 passby at Bonneville, some were used on the show, but I have no idea where they sourced it from. All I have is this in car footage.
Will@SpeedNymphGarage - Regarding the "older pics" ... PM sent. I haven't seen the "Streamliner 909 passby" footage on You Tube or vimeo ... but the in-car footage is very cool!
The Video podcast of the Dennis Varni interview is NOW available on the "WindTunnel with Dave Despain" iTunes webpage ... just click HERE ... and scroll down to the "9/7/10" release.
Here is a link I've found to the Despain/Varni interview. Great stuff!
Great stuff Todd and the rest of you too. It was too cool to see him run and get in the 3 club. Great bunch of guys, just sorry I couldn't be there sooner. Next year for sure !!
Jerry - Great find! ... those iTunes Video podcasts are kinda cumbersome to navigate and download. Here's a direct link to the Despain/Ivo interview:
WOW! The Ivo interview was even better! Thanks for posting it. I'm sure glad Dave Despain does stuff like that. I've been listening to him since my motorcycle racing days.