hey everyone i fragged 3rd gear in my manual box and was tring to find out what transmissions would work with the gmc inline six?im thinking about an automatic .also does anyone know of any companys still making open rear conversions for the torque tube rears? thanks for the help!
You will probably need to get an adapter to go auto. An S10 T-5 would be easier to put in. Depending on the lug pattern you want Camaro, S10 ZR2, 57-64 chevy car, 4X4 chevy, ford explorer. The open drive conversions are mainly early ford rears.
The only 'bolt in' automatic for you GMC would be the factory Hydramatic setup of that period. You might conceivably put a cast iron powerglide behind it, from a 235 chev 6, but why would you want to? You wouldn't. So, the previous poster is correct, it will rquire an adapter kit for any late model automatic. Also, the poster is correct to say there aren't open drive conversions kits as such for torque tube GM rear axles. Replacement of the entire rear is the way to go. You could use a '55 2nd design Chev or GMC axle assembly and that would be a bolt in to your suspension. Any later GM pickup axle or Jeep '"J" series Pickup or older fullsize Wagoneer/Cherokee uses a dana 44 with 6 bolt axle flanges keeping the same wheel bolt pattern you now have would be a reasonable choice. There are also some Toyota and Nissan pickups using that 6 x 5 1/2" bolt circle too. If you don't mind changing the front bolt pattern to match a different rear axle, the sky's the limit for rear axle choices. Ray
thanks for the help!i would like to keep the 6 lug and a glide wouldnt be a bad idea if the price was right.i would like to keep the original motor in it.im trying to stay away from the 350/350 combo(good combo but i just want something different).would i be able to use a center section out of a newer rear and just do away with the torque tube?
Torque tube is part of the suspension, it stops the rear end from rotating etc. So there is some additional rework needed. (Info is from the HAMB, I don't know much more, but ask around).
You may find a lot of friends and help here, http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/group.php?groupid=132
A '55-'62 truck 1/2 ton center section will bolt in to your housing. You will have to weld up the pivots on the spring perches of your original housing. This will give you 3.90 gears unless you get lucky and find a 3.38 from a later automatic truck. Trucks with 3 speed overdrive usually had 4.10 gears.
thanks for all the help!i may be able to get my hands on a 57 chevy car complete rear.maybe i can get the axels drilled for six lugs. if that works thats one piece of the puzzle .
Unless the third member interchanges with your truck housing and axles, in my opinion the '55 is a waste of time and money. The axle flanges are not sufficient diameter to allow for the 5 1/2" bolt cirlce of the original wheels. You indicated you wished to keep the 6 lug pattern. Also, the machine work will likely cost something........and add to the overall cost of installing the '55. Put the money toward a rear end that works with out mods greater than perhaps moving the spring pads. My 2 cents. Ray