would like some info from anyone who has used a posies model A lowering spring. i'm using a stock width spring currently in a 29 sedan. the posies spring says it lowers the car 2.5 inches. just wondering what amount of lowering people have honestly gotten out of this spring. and would figure an 80 year old spring would have settled a little bit. they say 2.5 inches, but that is probably compared to a brand new stock A spring. so in theory, i am wondering if it will only give me about 1.5 inches lower than what i have right now. any two cents or info would be appreciated.
I have a Model A rear spring in my Roadster. I took a few leafs out of it and reversed the eyes. After it settled I had to shorten it twice to get it at the proper angle in the shackles. It is a trial and error evolution. Good luck
I used a Posies spring in the back of my Model T Coupe on Deuce rails. I think that it really only lowered it about an 1 1/2 inches and it didn't really settle at all.