4 words. Cordless sawzall and ski mask. If its a shop then it has a roll up door. Under dark of night either break the locks or just cut the dor apart. Load the car up with as much if HIS crap as you can and tow it out of there. Screw trying to beg somebody to get YOUR car. Screw him. Get your car now before its too late.
If I've learned anything over the years fooling with cars it is that you NEVER,ever,ever, tell a body shop or painter that you're in "no hurry". That is code for let it sit for 99 years in a corner and only work on it when the customer gets on your ass. Here's another piece of advice that will save you all a lot of heartache: If you cannot afford to send your car to a body shop that will schedule it as a regular job and complete it in a timely manner and on time, then wait until you have the funds to do so. Take heed and both you and the shop you choose will be much happier. As far as the guys complaining about restoration shops getting a bad rap, I'll say I have never had dealings with a shop that specialized in restorations only. However, I have been around a few body shops in my day and if you believe that parts don't walk or get lost your either lying to yourself or living under a rock. There are some good shops out there but there are quite a few that are not so reputable too.
Then a felony conviction, 3-10 years in jail, and then no way of ever getting meaningful employment ever again. Dude, resorting to crime is NEVER the solution.
Wow,,bad idea dude.. in more ways than one..2 wrongs definetly dont make a right..easpecially when the PoPo have you in the back of the car , you might rethink your idea
Heh heh. This guy must like macaroni and cheese for lunch everyday and a wardrobe consisting of orange jump suits.
Read This First! then do an intro, then fill out your profile, then quit making stupid posts like this...
you think thats bad..? check out this thread and post 1503 http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=360292&page=76 dude aint right
4 words. 1Cordless 2sawzall 3and 4ski 5mask 5 words... I would recommend a camaro to pull this stunt off, especially if you have access to one that is flat black....
lots of bad information here 1) don't wear a ski mask, that's a dead give-a-way 2) you won't get macaroni and cheese for lunch everyday 3) felons can still get good jobs 4) and sometimes resorting to crime is the solution (not in this case though...) seriously though, he should be at the property owner's doorstep demanding his property be released with his title and reciept in hand, there is no good reason to wait around in a situation like this, parts will continue to disappear (what hasn't already)
Maybe if he is lucky he will be able stop making payments, did he ask the guy who owns the shop what the deal is? Would he have taken any progress photos of this car? When is the last time he really actually saw the car? The person seems a bit removed from reality, the thing sat there a long time for some one who may really be interested in having a car. I don't think I could keep a straight face if someone I worked with told me this story, I would have to spin my chair to keep him from seeing me busting up, at the very least I would feel a lot better about my odds if the company is doing any lay offs.
Looks to me like the property owner knows who owns the car or he wouldn't have gotten the letter in the first place. Give him a call and see what happens. I'm sure he doesn't want an abandoned car to dispose of. Work something out. Larry T
The car owner made some incredibly poor decisions, and will probably pay dearly for them. 8 years is obviously taking advantage of free storage. The shop owner obviously is belly up. The ten grand is long gone, and he won't get anything that the car owner may owe. The landlord is doing the only option left to him. Shut it down and let the court settle it.
-$10K on old cars in 8 years isn't a bad return actually. Probably done better than a lot of us, including myself.
If it is allready in the court system, it will be seized with everything in the building. He will have to prove to the court he, is the real owner. I know people who have waited years. By all means get a good Bankruptcy Lawyer, and fast. If the Feds are all ready involved it may take sometime. Good luck
The more I talk to this guy the more I realize that he has always dreamed about being a Billy Bad Ass just didn't have the ability to pull it off. So he is constantly getting into these situations. He keeps trying to find the easy way to build his image, and in doing so he believes all the "experts". Seems thats why he believed it would take years and years to complete the project. Turns out cars, bikes, and women keep costing him a fortune and he keeps throwing money at them all.
Exactly..the one time I had a car in a body shop I checked on it at least weekly..It was done in 3 months, and I sure didn't cough up 10 grand up front.
I'm the same way. You get your money when its done. Just how I do business. I understand there may be a deposit, but it won't be no 10k.
If my house is on fire, I'm going to call a fireman If my house was broken into, I'm going to call a policeman If I injure myself, I'm going to see doctor If I have a legal matter, I'm going to see a lawyer This is a legal matter.
This thread has run the gambit from sublime to outright bizarre... and you take the cake sweetcheeks.
Short sidebar; ***************************************************** I seriously hope there's more to it than this. The above statement suggests that ANY mechanic can walk in and get a lein on ANY car, whether the mech has worked on it or not. If that's true, then MO has left the door open for "legal theft" of whatever car a mech might see cruising around, or at a car show. Surely you've left out a detail or two, Porknbeaner. Roger
a mechanic's lien is a lien placed against real or personal property in the event the balance of a contract is not paid in full... you can't walk down the street randomly placing liens on anything you what....
same thing happend to my dad, he took the title with him to the body shop showed the propertie owner the papers and bam the car was out of the shop in 10 minutes. i dont think that is legal. your friend has no control if the shop owner pays his rent, there for id report the car stolen and take the cops to get his car. sounds like theyre tring to do a lean sale on the car to take ownership to me.
Amazing - all the 'experts' are out in force and not one of them in Wyoming but all chiming in with 'advice'. Any of you 'experts' qualified to practice law - in Wyoming? The only sane suggestion I see is from Larry T - as he says, the guy gets in touch with your buddy - so tell him to get back in touch with the property owner, explain the situation and tell him to say to the property owner he would like to resolve it amicably. That way your buddy should get an idea of how the property owner is going to play it. If he cannot work something out then have him tell the property owner he really didn't want to get his lawyer involved but.... In these kind of situations it sometimes helps to tell the other party 'Just imagine for a moment that the roles were reversed and it was your car....' sometimes an appeal to reason and asking the other guy to put himself in your shoes can resolve a bad situation. If it doesn't, you can show that you have tried to reason with the guy, but that he is just being plain unreasonable. You can catch a lot more flies with honey....
Well weasel, I am a bit of an "expert" having assisted or inspected such situations but here in MI. Paper trail. Real simple. Follow the paper, either a work order or the green paper, and back it up. You're right, be a pro about it. Unless there's foul play involved there's no need for cops and lawyers. However if the lessor (building owner) has gone his legal route and legally siezed real property and contents then proof of ownership and balance due or owed need to be on the table and settled from either end. It's really simple. Sheriff's involvement is usually before a "sale" of any property that requires title (cars, certain trailers, etc) and has to be sorted by contacting last known owners of such. As a shop owner or manager I've dealt with potential problems well before they became one. It's usually done with a paper trail that has a signature. I closed a shop back in the 90s due to hard times. Everyone got their car, every vendor got their dough, tax man got his, I broke the lease by finding someone to take the property at the same price for the remaining year and the building owner was happy and even refunded the deposit. I also kept all of the equipment needed to keep going some day down the road. I got out alive with some money in hand and kept every customer's friendship and respect. The more I read from the OP, I'd bet the 'Stang owner's a poser and about 10% of what he says is bullshit. Trying out his BS to see how it plays to his pals before he continues to fuck over all the others involved. Just a hunch from the outside lookin in.