Ok, was it just me or has the hamb been awol for about 8 hrs? Longest night I've ever spent at work...got so desperate I even read some of the OSR board.. Hope all is well now, thanks Ryan or whoever worked to get it back up... BRain
I stripped off my clothes and danced naked in the yard under the new moon. I was so lost and confused.
Since I couldn't get on I actually went out to the garage and did something for the first time in about a week. Nothing major but just a lot of little "5 minute" jobs I'd been neglecting.
I was wondering if it was my computer. The email address for the "technical staff" was on some german lord of the rings websight. really wierd!
Breathing easier this morning. Thank you to whoever solved and fixed the problem. Glad to hear I'm not the only one wh needs to get a life. Frank
Today has gone by way to slow at work. It's good to hear I am not the only one that spends time on the Hamb to make the day go by so much faster. Thank you Ryan and who ever else was involved in bring the Hamb back. Jonney
Ryan, did you get the timming set right on the ol'girl? It was "missing" awhile ago...................lol
I never realized how much i rely on this board, I must have checked if it was up 13 times... in the first hour.