I'm not sure what it's from but I found this a couple years ago at a flea market. It's fairly pitted so I stuck it on my pen holder on my desk.
Here are some more. '36... 37 was essentially the same logo, but debossed instead of embossed, and the center of the cap was painted while on the '36, the logo was painted. 39 Standard: ... '39 Deluxe. This is some kind of aftermarket deal. Not factory though.
Read some early Henry Ford history: Prior to 'Ford Motor Company', Henry was chairman of the board of what would become Cadillac, and V8s, V12s, and V16s were in production, the "V" design being the basic design Henry presented. Henry was subsequently voted out, then starting his own "Ford Motor Company". It was 'suggested' in this story that Henry stubbornly held on to the "V8" logo as exclusive Ford property! (I think I read that story in "Henry Ford: The Man and his Cars") Nevertheless, it IS factual history.
I have these two. I think they may have come from a Caddy but I'm not sure. I posted them once and can't find the thread. I have no idea what I will use them on but they are cool!!
I never knew that there were Y-block Falcons! I have had some of these, but I never knew if they were really Ford caps. The ones I had were poorly painted, and I assumed that it was just an aftermarket part. I forgot about those! I recognize the wide ones with the 8 on top of the V, but I've never seen the ones with the 8 overlapping the V. Are they really Stude, too? The part about Ford heading the company that became Cadillac is true, but he left in 1902 or '03, and the only cars that he had designed up to that point had 2 cylinder engines. I don't think Ford had anything to do with the Cadillac V configuration engines of any number of cylinders, so I don't see any connection here. Cadillac, for sure.
By the '60s, everyone was using a V8 badge of some sort. But maybe that's getting OT. And I'm sure the Mustang is, but I think it was a retro deal from the '70s... Mustang II '66 Comet '66 Satellite '50s GMC truck
Im a big Ford guy... Had to show my love of old fords so i got this... pic taken right after it was done... looks much better now!
I did a paper in high school (some 17 years ago) on the Ford '32 V8 and I got most of my information from a documentary that discussed the design of it and how it came about. I wish I could find it again. It mostly interviewed and referenced a man by the name of Donald Sullivan. He was Henry's right hand man and headed the engineering team to develop the first ford V8. Henry referred to him as his "Wild Irishman" Anyways, it actually stated that Don Sullivan was the creator of the V8 logo found on the '32s where the V and 8 are overlapping. Weather or not this is true and/or factual information, I dont know. I am just passing along what I know.
I was looking at old v8 emblems and found this old thread, been trying to find more info on this logo on this transport trailer. I call it the drafting logo. not sure if it was to indicate the block degrees in advertisement or they just thought it looked cool. but the extra line through the middle is rad.
I've seen the "drafting logo" before, but I don't remember what its application was. I seem to recall seeing in a Ford publication of some sort, maybe a '36 owners manual. I don't know what the middle line signifies, other than to make an arrow out of the V. Thanks to you guys who found variations that I'd missed, both in Ford applications and in some of the competitive makes starting in the '60s.