my dad has a set on his 67 nova SS he bought them new back in the 80s?? and was suprised to not find any info on the wheels i cant find any either and im a search mastaa! an old AD would be killer NOTE: i do know the SUPERTRICK II's are similar to the supertricks,2pc and aluminium i dont think these come apart though he has been out the car seen for 15 years.. i some how relit the fire so anything to get him thinkin about cars is great info and now its just info on his wheels he has been thinking on! his car had not ran in 10yrs i made a deal with him,i held up my end so his was we fix the its got my mild 350 in it and hes all smiles but acts like he dont care thanks to all cb i know its not hamb friendly but its for a GOOD cause......father n son time lol
No information here but a buddy of mine has a OT '67 Deuce with 15x14 STs and 15x3. Fresh built car but he likes the look and feel of the wheel for a vintage Hot Rod look. He is now collecting them he likes them so much!
There is nothing "vintage hot rod" about those. Straight out of the '70's. Here's some "search master" posts I found.
I think they were called Cragar SST (street super trick)
SST's came out in 78 or so. I was the first to sport them on my 57 Chevy in my area. No I never sported a mullet, though!
they came out about the same time as the super slots , super novas , superlites (think thats the name...sorta like a weld , but had more holes and rivets) and glidden stars. want to say this was about the time cragar bought weld.......look really close to a centerline autodrag .....might have been around 87/88 ish....?
Yeah, late 70's for sure - Hot Rod built a Super Street Vega (their words for a Super Gas street car) in the late 70's/early 80's with these wheels. Loved the car, hated the wheels although I've never owned a set. Always thought they looked like chrome steel wheels with bolts around the perimeter - not a great translation from the (then) popular "real" Super Tricks. Steve
The SST wheels were steeal and heavy with fake bolts all one pc..his are 2pc and really light I know there more muscle style but like I said I'm happy he's even doing the stuff again,it means a lot to me Cb
Yeah. The chrome steel ones are called street super tricks or S/St's the original Super Trick came out in 1970 and was 2 aluminum halves with an aluminum spacer between the 2 halves in the lug area. They are very light but prone to cracking. I have a real strong liking to them. I just bought a set of 4 brand new in the box large center caps for mine,the same ones used by Grumpy and Walley booth,Dick Landy ect in the 70/71 season. I am only using 2 for the front on my car. I dont know of any info on them,but whatever you need to know I might be able to find out.
------------------------------ If the wheels are actual 'two-piece, spun-aluminum, bolted together, brushed aluminum-finish' Cragar "Super Tricks", they're definitely, early-70's vintage, actual 'race car' wheels and imho at least, even if they're not strictly 'traditional' for this list, they're still very cool. On the other hand...if they're the cheap, 'one-piece, steel rim welded to a die-cast aluminum center. with ersatz bolts and chrome finish' Cragar' "Street Super Tricks" (aka the 'SST') versions, they're tacky '70's and '80's automotive 'kitsch' and I'd toss them in the nearest trash bin as quickly as possible and not think twice about it....imho. Mart3406 ========================
And still available while quantities last.
these ARE 2pc spun aluminium water actually gets in them if you have them off the car to wash and polish..they look chrome but its a very nice polish job we did..he has a great memory and says they are SUPERTRICK II's he bought new from California for like 300 bucks and that was alot in the 70s for a teen hes 50 now i told dad i posted a thread and he thought that was cool he likes hearing and see parts he grew up with and how they stand in todays world..he has a set of ANGLE PLUG 492 heads that hes proud of,i just picked up a set today to use instead of my 492 straight plug
292? 462? ok, I pulled out some old rags to look at the ads....second one I looked at (3/81 HRM) has a local Chevelle in it, sporting polished centerlines. but the Cragar ads in the late 70s all advertise the shiny street wheels, not the lightweight race wheels. The intro ad for the SST is in the same 1977 HRM that has Kollofski's 55
ive got a pair of 15x8's w/ slight rust laying in the back yard my next door neighbor had a set of them on his 58 impala around 77 or so i kinda like em they look alot better then all of the 17,18,19,20,and bigger rims
Those wouldbe sst cause aluminium wont rust...I actually told dad to get some 4" cragar S/S and black steellies with cheaters but he likes these.cuz its how his cars always been
I remember seeing them in magazines a lot, but where I grew up they never caught on and weren't very common. Back then everyone wanted Centerline Autodrags, but most had the cheaper copies.
A buddy of mine with a fairlane has a NOS pair of fronts with the original caps, never been mounted, and a very cherry full set with the original anodizing intact
No info on them. I still have a set plus 2 that I bought in the mid 80's. Polished 15 x 4's and 15 x 8's and a non polished pair of 15x 12's. the 4's and the 12's are on my non HAMB friendly Opel. I've alway's liked them better than centerlines, much lighter too.