For the last 20 years or so I've used an abrasive cutoff saw to cut through metal for the fabrication work we do. I'm tired of the mess and smell it creates and I'm gonna spring for a horizontal bandsaw. I've got about a grand to spend. How about some performance reviews on the saws you own that are in that price range?
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by Da' Bomb I use a 7 X 12, 3/4" blade, with coolant. Can't beat it Pat </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> "What brand?" Jet. Pat
I have a Wells -9" that you can do precision cutting with that I use a 1" blade with.Last weekend I hosted our fall metal shappers event and a guy brought some railroad ties along to cut up for those that wanted mini anvils.Cut through like butter and straight as an arrow.We also cut some on a fellow members saw that I am selling for his widow that had the same performance.It is a Wilton commercial 7" that the owner installed a lathe tailstock on as a vice.Great idea and has a slide assembly that is pinned for quick resetting for different widths.Dan
I think I would consider a cold cutting saw rather than a band saw if I had the bucks. They use a big carbide toothed blade instead of an abrasive disc and you can get them from the cadillac models I posted a link to and also the cheaper versions like a Hitachi or from (Princess Auto in Canada 14" dry metal cutting saw $399). They make wicked precision cuts. Of course the big expensive ones are more precision, but even the small ones work way better than an abrasive saw and cut cleaner than a bandsaw too.,11,57,p145,
I have a good Milwaukee cold cut saw , but they're not all they're cracked up to be.... You could go broke keeping them in blades.
When I went looking for a bandsaw I found there are two different types, heavy duty industrial types that are expensive and low priced cheap crappy ones that you can't keep cutting straight, nothing in between. Maybe it changed since I've looked. I ended up buying a used somewhat heavy duty one off of eBay for less than $200. It's kind of ugly with crappy paint but it works great.
I've been needing a new saw also. I think this is the one I want: A little more than double your budget I think. Unless Shane would give us a group buy
Buy a used Milwaukee variable speed portable bandsaw off of craigslist. They usually sell for $100-$150. Then purchase one of these.............
I have an old Olsen with a 5/8" blade. Hand me down from my pal who bought a big Ellis. The Ellis is a caddilac compared to mine, the Jets or anything else I have used! Lemme see if I can find the model....... Here is the Model, I had to do a search When he got it we did an experiment and cut wafer thin disks perfectly off a piece of tubing. The thing is so accurate and precise it is amazing!
I can see that as they cut without any coolant. The better expensive ones I posted the link to will run coolant and the blade life would be better by a huge margin. As far as I can see your purchase should be guided by how much cutting you are going to do, full on production work or hobby work. Hobby type equipment as has been posted naturally will not live up to production type work and the expensive stuff is just for that. Finding something you can afford to meet your needs is half the battle.
I bought a used industrial cold saw - a year later I bought the "mother load" stack of blades for DIRT! Another option for blades is to buy resharpened ones off Ebay or where ever. Sometimes they go cheap there. Search out an Industrial Surplus place in your area. I know they're far from every corner, but who knows maybe you have one close (relatively) to where you live, or vacation or somewhere you travel!! I have one close by (lucky) - I go there nearly once a week!!! BTW - I wholeheartedly agree about the coolant - it's a virtual must have!
I can recommend the ELLIS saws from MFG. experience of 20 yrs.----I had the older model that had a swivel option for cutting angles on tubing with 1/2 inch blade. When you use a cutoff (chop) saw it leaves too much of a burr (flashing) on inside.---------Don
Word on the street is the Harbor Freight 7x12 bandsaw with coolant and power downfeed is the same as a jet, just branded different. I have a 7x12 Jet and every single part looks the same. True story. Check it out, I think you can get em for 600 on sale.
A properly set up cold saw is in a completely different league than a horizontal bandsaw. The bandsaw is for "close enough" cuts while a cold saw is for nailing angles and lengths to a few thousands of an inch. I bought a Haberle 350 at auction with coolant pump and infeed / outfeed tables with automatic pneumatic vise clamps AND a pile of new and used blades. If you have a grand to spend - you are far better off buying a quality used unit unless all you are doing is pre-cutting tubing and structural pieces for welding and you aren't fussy about accuracy.
I just bought a Jepsen Dry Saw. Its somewhat similar to a cold saw, but, it doesn't have the coolant. I havent used it yet, but the reports on it have been very promising. I'll respond tomorrow with pics after I use it
ya know, a bandsaw is also something i'm considering. i have a evolution raptor dry cut saw and it works great, the only down side is, that the sucker is so loud my neighbors would be pissed if i used it all day.
I was thinking about getting this one from Sears. I think its probably comparable to one at Harbor Freight or Northern Hydraulics, but Sears is a heck of a lot closer to me than either of them.
i love my horizontal bandsaw ...i can covert it to vertical in 2 minutes and sit there all day with no smell and very little noise
Same here. Use it almost every day. It has paid for itself more than tenfold. I have a cold saw too, for the really precise stuff.
A bandsaw is on my list too. Fancy cold saws are awsome for an ulta clean accurate cut, but I don't really need one, luckilly!
I opted for the DeWalt portable band saw and fabricated stand. It works for doing the clean cuts in metal I need for fabrication. And it gives me a portable band saw for in the field cuts. And the combo was a whole lot cheaper than a cold cut saw. i bought my fabbed stand from one of the vendors here in the HAMB Classified and I can't remember his name or company. That's my over 40 memory striking me stupid again. I like that Swagoffroad stand because it has the miter gauge slot. Now I have ideas on how to add one to my stand.
Can you post pictures of your stand? I've got a portable bandsaw, but would love to be able to mount it the way it sounds like you did.