I am looking for a list of "open driveline transmissions" to put behind my 315 Chevy 6cyl. Bell housing and engine are 1936, so I would like a direct bolt up option. (I guess even cast power glides were in Corvettes in '54) Anybody know what year will fit? (Also my torque tube rear end and hyd front end are for sale if anyone wants period correct with some margine of safety.)
36 chevy engine is a 207 The back of the block might be the same as the 216/235, but I"m not sure about that. If so you could maybe use a 55-62 transmission and bellhousing from a 235.
You run a 48 or later six cylinder truck (216/235) bellhousing you can go to a later Chevy style stick transmission. Then you can use the open drive rear end that is the best fit.
Thanks for the help, I read somewhere the engine was a 206.? but assumed the engine family was the same. So use a 235 bellhousing and transmission from '55 to '62 got it. (Sorry about the 315 instead of 216 in the title.)