O.K., I'm looking for a shop or individual in SE Michigan who can take on a job on a pre-war car. Most places around here specialize in muscle cars, not the old stuff. Must strip, repaint, misc body work and door fitting, and knows lead! Has to be good but resonable $, and can get the job done in a relatively short time frame. Any recommendations?? I've checked the HAMB O'Dex, but nothing jumps out. Thanks. Steve
I'm impressed you even found muscle car shops. Up here all I can seem to find are insurance-repair places. -Dave
Or haul the car down to Hartsville, TN and get Mike Howell, Earl Schieb here on the HAMB, owner of Volunteer Auto Body to do the work at a fraction of the cost of normal shop rates. He did Big Olds and I'm thrilled.
203 Custom Car Works in Ypsilanti. I know they've done work on classics, exotics, hot rods and Muscle cars. Small shop and good guys to work with.