I've got a cool old 6 volt early Mallory/Holley coil and early Mallory distributor on my pre-WWII styled, 4 banger powered hot rod project. I love the look of my current 6 volt coil on my firewall, but i'm thinking of converting to 12 volt negative ground, from current 6 volt positive ground. Reason: i drive the hell out of my cars and 12 volt is just easier to deal with out on the road. QUESTIONS: 1) I really dig my coil and don't want to change it. Can i run this 6 volt coil at 12 volts? I assume i'll have to switch polarities when i convert to negative ground (right now the positive runs to the points) ? 2) Know anyone who converts early generators to 12V alternator inside? Appreciate any help and input. Thanks, -scott noteboom
search the earlier threads on the subject... and as for your coil maybe a good ignition ballast resistor might work to drop the 12v down to what the coil will tolerate...