Has anyone ever tried and had good luck with any of the pour in tank sealers? I know Por-15 makes one. Eastwood sells one too. Thanks
In all the harley tanks we cut up . I alway get them sealed with this stuff called red coat . I tried this stuff called cream it really sucks . two months down the road and it comes apart in the tank. You can get the red coat at labes raiditor in dayton Ohio. 937-256-2751. ask for Jody he will take care of you.
The US standard tank sealer (POR 15) is really good stuff, I used it a few months ago on a tank and it worked great. I spilled some on some metal that was not even prepped/etched and it stuck like glue. I literally could not beat it off the metal.
I used the Eastwood product in my Anglia tank when I built it about 15 yrs. ago and it's still doing ok. (knock on wood)
I use Kreem sealer all the time on motorcycle tanks.....works great IF you do it right!! Follow directions, it has lasted for the past 19 years in my Knuckle!!!! Also did my 47 pick-up 15 years ago, still going strong!! Remember, the surface MUST be clean no matter what you use. CT.
I had a million pinholes along the tanks straps....I took a DA to it to clean it up and laid a hunk of glass down in the grooves. sealed and filled. I still get a leak out around my cheapy made in china pickup/sender but have been too lazy to drop it out... besides I welded up a new tank form hell last month to drop in .....28gal capacity made from 14ga.....never will hurt that thing while draggin ass...
If its just a pinhole or something rub a bar of handsoap across it,I used this trick on my truck and that was about 12 years ago and it still dont leak.(something about the chemicals in the soap gettin all happy with the chemicals in the gas)