here's a few shots of bubba's new a coupe that was practically given to him! check out all the ultra cool mods. locking trunk, extended leg room, and an amazing space frame design that you've gotta see in person to believe!
that a new pinto coupe? looks like some guys got some pretty good luck thats for sure! hows he making out with the title on it?
Bubba... How can you spend all day yesterday talking about the coupe and not even mention those bitchin' tail lights? That thing will be pretty bad ass after a little work... More legroom is nice for fellas like us. LUCKY! HC
Man oh man. The patina is right on. drop in a mill, air up the tire & head for the Round-up. You'll be the STAR of the show. Wait till OSR mag seez that. Billy
yeah man i did get really lucky on this. the car is pretty solid. i dont know what someone was thinking on this thing. they cut the firewall off and welded another cowl, dodge i think, onto the front of it. they channeled it over the orig frame and put a fiberglass floor in it, then cut the front and rear of the frame off and welded it onto the top of a late model chasis. they added those late model pickup truck tailights and a lock for the deck lid. on the good side the roof is filled ok, the doors open and close good, all the interior window moldings are in it, there is a gas tank in it, and it has a complete set of stewart warner gauges in it but im not sure if they work. the guy had a title but he wouldnt let it go with the car, ive already got a line on another cowl and i really dig it. it did come with an orig radiator, if anybody wants it. im stoked about it. b
a few diff people told me they were pick up truck lights. including the guy that i got it from. doesnt matter they are going anyway.
You Must Keep Those Tail Lights, Now Thats Real Texas Custom! I'll Bet You My 54 That They Will Make You Go Faster! Anyway, Good Score Mr. B. Sexton...........
Yep that thing looks pretty funky, but I can certainly see the potential. I've started with a lot worse. Good find.
Just looked on Ebay. Those are definately Maverick lights and it also looks like they used the same light for the Ford Pinto's.
Congrats on the new project. My 33 coupe had the same funky tail lights when I first found it. I guess that was the hot thing to do at some time?
wow that is a hell of a cowl. maybe you could hide small people in it. Sneak them into car shows..stuff like that.
Congratulations...please keep us updated on the resurrection of this have to wonder what the hell some poeple are thinking. I found the brother to that a while back...a '32 pickup that was cobbled onto a s-10 frame...had the grille shell moved way out past the front wheels, and the resulting gap had tin riveted in..and the asking price was only $4500.... I should have tried to find out where they dumped the original frame...probably hauled off for scrap. All progress is not good.... Brian
Maybe all progress is not good, but I've seen the light. Having been encouraged to get along, and wanting to please, I'm going to second the suggestion to run square headlights. You've just got to be able to see someones point of view (even though that point of view was an attempt to join the already overcrowded segment of our population known as "unemployed comedians")without injecting your own opinion or experience to make things work smoothly. We all encounter morons every day, its the truly wise that don't let that fact influence their reaction to any given situation. Frank
The second cowl addition is about the worst thing I've ever seen done to a Model A. I'm glad you were able to save it from the demented, incompetant individuals who did that to it.
I know all you wanted out of the deal is that killer vintage chassis.....want me to take that hunk of shit body off your hands?
i havent really checked it out but i think its useable. i'ts at my buddy's shop. i think its a 28/29 radiator.i'llget back to you with more details. b