It’s been a month and we’re still hoping to hear word on our 1932 Roadster. At this point, we felt it would be good to send photos of our H&H Flathead. This 8ba engine is one of a kind. Mike Herman has not built another engine quite like this, with Navarro heads and three 97’s. (Note: Original thread was posted by Ray at <O</O There have been several truck thieves apprehended in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comSan Antonio</st1:City> in the past several weeks. It would be great to hear that at least one of them has been 'persuaded' to share info that will lead to our vehicles. <O</O We also have contacts in H<st1:City w:st="on">ouston</st1:City> who are spreading the photos through the clubs and shops there, since we had two possible sightings of the truck/trailer rig heading that way several days after the theft. <O</O Again, thanks to everyone for keeping this going. <O Tommy Price 210-288-7803 We sure would appreciate if we could get a sticky on this.
I feel your pain. I had a 53 ford flathead motor stolen while in transit to my place during the Lone Star Roundup last year. It was a newer build and was absolutely bad to the bone. I will keep my eyes and ears open for your stuff. No one hates a thief more than myself. skinny
Received a call from SAPD late yesterday - the trailer was found in south San Antonio, Roadster removed. Trailer's sitting out back right now, a bit dirty but it was checked for prints and auto theft detectives have a few leads that we hope will bring something positive.